Sugar High

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Rafael grabbed his phone, answering it while he walked up to his car. That car forever holding the memory of Rose showing him her adventurous side. He narrowed his eyes at the woman who was leaning against the side of his car, eying him up with an expectant look in her eyes. Like always she looked picture perfect. Chloe was a beautiful woman, the fact that she knew this too caused her confidence to linger toward arrogance. Not that he minded, she'd be gone from their lives. He forced her to leave, knowing Sebastiano was a loyal soldier. They might not always see eye to eye, but Sebastiano followed his lead anyway. It was what you did for the family.

He ended his call, pocketed his phone and approached Chloe, mimicking her look. He had to give her props for not faltering under his stare like many before she did.

"Chloe." He greeted.

"Rafael." She answered back, coldness seeping into her tone, "Oh, don't worry I'll be leaving tonight. Heading back home together with my father who seems to be taken by you. Well played, sir." The emphases on her 'sir' made her words come across more fiercely.

He didn't go along with her game, he'd let her vent knowing she needed that. Closure is what would make her move forward and forget about them and most of all forget about Sebastiano.

"I did what I thought was right for my family."

She glared at him, "I know, that's what upsets me most of all."

"Family always comes first, Chloe." He told her, "That's how we've always approached things. That things would end like this between you and my brother must have crossed your mind. You knew from the start what kind of people we were."

She nodded, lowering her gaze, "I knew this was the only way it would end." She admitted to him, the fact that she sounded so small and hurt caused him to lower his guard around her, "I'm angry because I understand your reasoning. What hurts is knowing Sebastiano wouldn't choose me even if we weren't close. There was intimacy between us so I figure it's a matter of pride wanting him to side with me."

"Your pride getting hurt?" He asked her, "For what it's worth he did care about you." He placed his hand upon her shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze, "Even though you're trouble we liked spending time with you no matter how little time we did spend together. I know you won't believe me, but my brother enjoyed his time with you as well."

She looked up meeting his gaze, the warmth back in her eyes while she looked for the first time since he met her, approachable. He pulled away from her and watched as a smile spread across her face. At that moment he was hit by the reality of how gorgeous that woman actually was. The thought of messing up what could have been something beautiful for his brother crossed his mind for a second.

"I suppose you're not so bad after all."

A soft laugh left his lips, "Same goes for you." He gestured to his car, "You need a ride? I'm heading to the office."

"I'm good, nice talk though De Vito."

He reached into his pocket, grabbing his wallet and taking out a business card. He handed it to her and watched her look at it in confusion.

"If you're ever in trouble don't hesitate to call. I'll do whatever I can to help."

The air was knocked out of him when she without warning slammed into him and hugged him with all her might. He never expected her to do that. The cold and calculating woman he thought she was wasn't there anymore. Maybe this was indeed the true Chloe. He carefully wrapped his arms around her and returned the hug.

"If you ever tell anyone that I'm actually a hugger I'll hurt you," Chloe warned him.

Chuckling he pulled away from her, his hands upon her shoulders while he met her glittering eyes, "Empty threats don't cause me to shiver in my Italian shoes." He joked and then released her, gently moving her aside, "I do have to go to the office at some point. See you around, Tate."

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