Intense Emotions

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Rafael sat across the famous Andrew Tate, having a decent conversation with the older man who seemed to be having a great time as well. Sebastiano kept from interacting too much, Chloe kept quiet but her eyes let everyone know she didn't like the fact that Rafael and her father got along and Rose was just being herself. Charming and instantly liked by those around her. She also let him lead the conversation but responding whenever Andrew addressed her. Underneath the table he placed a hand upon Rose's thigh, letting her know she had his support. He knew she was over the whole kidnapping thing after pointing a gun at Marcus, but to be sure she wouldn't fall back to despair he'd give her his unspoken support.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter." Andrew raised his glass to him, "I know she can be a handful sometimes."

"Dad!" Chloe glared daggers at her father, but the man wasn't the slightest bit affected by it.

"Her stubborn personality and rash decision making always gets her in trouble." Andrew continued, "If there is anything I can do to show my gratitude just let me know."

Rafael knew this was a dirty tactic, but to ensure the safety of his family and their reputation he went through with his decision. He pulled his hand away from Rose's thigh and wrapped his arm around the back of her chair instead. It caused them to be even closer. He could smell the faint scent of her perfume. He noticed Rose moving slightly closer to him in her seat, he tried to hide his smile by taking a sip of his drink. He was sharing a whiskey with Andrew and Sebastiano and Chloe joined them. His wife, however, insisted on drinking a hot beverage instead. He didn't think much of it until she leaned into him without warning and whispered in his ear.

"The one who is driving us back will be me."

He snapped his attention to her, ignoring everyone else at the table. Chloe was telling her dad off anyway while Andrew just laughed it off. It wasn't like he needed to pay much attention. He'd make his point after he told Rose he was onto her.

"I see, so you planned it from the start?" He asked, flickering his eyes to her hot chocolate and then back again to her, "If you wanted to drive my car though, you just had to ask."

She pouted her lips, "Really?"

"Really." He smiled at her.

He pulled away from her and focused on the conversation which was unfolding in front of him. It seemed Chloe was much more expressive when conversing with her father. When she spoke to them she always behaved like a know-it-all and sometimes rather mischievously. She was a woman who could always hold her head up high. Sometimes she charged in and let her emotions get the better of her. But even then she was a proud woman. That know-it-all proud woman would probably lose her shit when he told Andrew what he wanted in return. He was going to waste his favor to get rid of Chloe, but it had to be done.

"Andrew I do have a favor to ask of you."

Tate shifted his gaze to him, curiosity clear in his eyes, "Oh, what is it that I can do for you?"

"Now that Chloe's break is over it would be beneficial for the both of us if you take her with you."

"What?!" Chloe was the one who spoke up while her father remained silent, merely smiling at him.

"I understand, Rafael. Chloe should be coming home with me again, we do have a tight schedule and it would be beneficial for both of us if no scandals pop up. I hear you're looking into expanding your business."

"We're always investing in new projects." Rafael casually answered.

Chloe didn't allow them to casually talk around the topic at hand. It showed that she wasn't appreciating the fact that they decided her faith for her. He didn't expect anything less from her though. But he knew Andrew would keep his word while Sebastiano wouldn't defy him. It was the harsh truth that in this case, Chloe was all by herself. Even if she liked it or not she'd be leaving their side tonight.

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