Soft Little Thing

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Rafael didn't like being treated like a child, but that was what his father was doing. It had been two weeks since his infamous wedding and his father dared to interrupt him during a rather intense meeting with another fucker who dared to cross the line, he left things to Sebastiano not even warning his brother like he always did to reel things in. Sebastiano had free reins and that could be dangerous beyond words. Racing to his family house he ignored a few red lights, a reckless driver he never was but anger and his pride was what got him to behave like that. He parked his car in the driveway and stalked to the house which recently only held bad memories for him. He was about to knock the shit out of that front door when his mother opened it, eyebrows raised while her face told Rafael to try that and see what'd happen. So he reeled it in and politely smiled at his mother. They both knew he didn't mean it.


"Rafe." His mother greeted back, "Keep that temper in check. Didn't think I ever had to tell you that, but life is full of surprises lately."

He couldn't agree more, "You telling me."

Pia closed the door and followed him into the living room, "How is the wife?"

He turned to look at his mother, "Fine, I suppose."

He held his breath when Nicola entered the room, the air around him tense, "You suppose?" His father asked him, "As her husband, you should know to the T how she is doing."

He raised his guard, "We're married, not attached to the hip."

His father took a seat in his favorite chair, thanking Pia who brought out tea and coffee. Rafael went for a coffee, knowing he needed to be wide awake for the conversation he was about to have with his father.

"You're defensive when it comes to your marriage to Rose, but we both know you're not behaving like that for the right reasons. Never would I have dared to imagine I'd have to make myself clear to you Rafael. You always got things without needing an explanation."

The disappointment was thick in his father's voice, things didn't work out the way Nicola and Pia anticipated so he was no longer the perfect son. It made his heart sink to his stomach knowing that they keep pushing for him to find happiness, yet they force his hand because they assume they know what would make him happy. The fact that he stands up to them to let them know their way isn't what makes him find peace in his life is what they can't tolerate. Knowing how oblivious they are to his needs is what made the whole thing even worse. He had to swallow away the pain, pretending everything was okay because that is what they wanted from him. It was they always wanted from him.

"What is it that you want from me exactly?" Rafael asked, his voice tight and clipped.

"You're married, Rafael." His mother was the one who spoke up, unlike her father she didn't notice the change in him, so she carried on, "You should behave a certain way now."

"A certain way?" He asked her, "Things are working out fine between Rose and I the way they are now. It isn't up to you to dictate me on how I should live my married life." He made sure to speak up loud and clear so they wouldn't think to question him again, "I married the girl just like you asked me. The manipulation ends there." He got to his feet, "We're never going to agree when it comes to my marriage with Rose so let's refrain from talking about it again."

"Rafael, our reputation is what you should be concerned about." Pia told him, stopping him in his tracks, "The fact that it was your brother spending time with your wife is what makes people talk." He could hear the warning in his mother's voice as she made things perfectly clear to him, "You're the head of the family now, it's your job to ensure shame doesn't fall upon us. Do you hear me?"

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