Mad Marcus

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Rose stood in front of him, practicing her skills with tying his tie. Her focus was entirely on the piece of silk fabric. She was biting her lip, her fingers working fast yet careful. Once she was certain she had it, she slightly pulled back and ran her hands down his tie and shirt to smooth the fabric. He couldn't hide his smile. She trailed her eyes up and met his gaze.

"Well?" She asked him, hope gleaming in her eyes.

He turned his back to her and glanced in the tall mirror, taking in her work. It was perfect, he didn't say anything, but apparently, he no longer needed to use his words around her. She stepped next to him handing him his navy vest to finish off his outfit. She reached for the buttons first, doing them up for him. He raised an eyebrow at her in question, but she merely responded with a smile. Once the vest was properly buttoned up she walked around him, heading back into their bedroom. He followed after her and caught his jacket when she threw it at him.

"Aren't you taking your role as the perfect housewife a bit too seriously?"

"What do you mean?"

Rafael grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys from the bedside table, pocketing them, "I mean you're graduating. Don't you want to do something more significant than taking care of me and this apartment?" He met her gaze, "You shouldn't let those years you given it your all go to waste like this." He gestured around them, "You should think about what you want to do other than being my wife."

She wrapped her arms around herself, "I don't know what I want to do." She admitted to him.

He stepped to her, gently running his hand over her hair, "That's okay, just make a list of things you want to do." His lips curled up into a smirk, "And it's okay to be selfish. Whatever you want, write it down. We'll go over the list together and see what we can do about it."


He leaned in, pressing a firm kiss to her lips to shut her up, "And don't tell me you're happy like this. We all know you married the man you've been in love with ever since you were a teenager." He chuckled when she gave him a playful slap against the chest, "We can cross that one off the list. Now focus on other things like places you want to visit, maybe food you never had before and want to try?" He pulled away from her, "Anything you desire just write it down. Now I really need to go."

"Okay, rice omelet for dinner. Since that's what I desire tonight."

Rafael threw her a playful glare, "Sure."

She walked with him to the door, "Also I'd like to fix things between Max and me."

He stopped walking which caused her to run into him, he took a calming breath so he would be able to speak to her without raising his voice. He figured Max needed time away from her to get over his little crush, but he never considered Rose being honest with his brother and talking things through. Once he set his mind he turned around and faced the scared looking Rose. He placed his hand upon her shoulder to reassure her. He felt her tense up before she let out a sigh of relief.

"That sounds like a good idea to me." He told her, "It might help Max if you were honest with him about everything until now. Hopefully, that will fix the way he is feeling lately."

"He just needs his family," Rose muttered.

Rafael narrowed his eyes at her, "He has his family, it's his feelings for you which messes him up."

She tore her gaze away, looking ashamed of herself. There was nothing he could do or say to her which would make her feel better. He could lie and tell her it wasn't her fault, but that wasn't him. He wouldn't say sweet words of comfort to her just to smooth things over.

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