Not Your Sister

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Rafael glanced aside when the woman he tucked in last night shot up and looked confused as to where she was. He let her calm down first before he spoke up. His eyes focused back on his laptop screen, analyzing the spreadsheets he received from his brother Max. He had been working hard, probably feeling guilty about what transpired between him and Rose.

"You okay?" He asked her.

He didn't look at her yet, but he could feel her moving around. He bit back a smirk when he felt her pulling back the sheets. She then pulled them tightly to her again and shifted her gaze to him.

"Why am I in your bed?" She asked him.

"You're in my bed because I put you there." He told her, enjoying her little frustrated moment.

She pulled the sheets up even higher which caused his laptop to stagger. He titled his head to the side and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to work here."

Her cheeks heated up to that familiar rosy color again, "I'm sorry."

Sighing he closed his laptop and placed it on his bedside table, rolling out of bed while he met her curious gaze, "Well, come on then. Tell me what's on your mind, you have my attention now."

"Did I take my pants off last night?" She asked him.

She was an innocent little thing, it almost made him feel guilty about teasing her. Almost.

"Of course not, you had one too many and passed out on the couch. I tucked you in and took off your pants and socks to make you more comfortable. I can only imagine the trouble you would have caused me if you were overheated during your drunken slumber."

She tightened her hold on the sheets, her knuckles turning white with the force she used, "Rafe, you don't just undress people like that."

He folded his arms across his chest, amused by the conversation they were apparently having, "I didn't undress just anyone, I undressed my wife. And only took care of her pants and socks for that matter, no need to sound so offended." He turned his back to her and headed to the bathroom, "If you feel the need to take offense just glance down. Those pink shorts are hardly doing anything for your body." He stopped in his tracks and leaned against the doorpost, "Unless you're on your period, then I'm sorry for bringing that up and get as comfortable as possible."

"I don't know where to start." She quietly stated.

Smiling he entered his bathroom and closed the door behind him. He didn't get to torture her anymore because his marriage was something he needed to work on. He gave his word to his parents, but teasing her like this was acceptable. Also quite humoring. If he didn't know any better he'd think the girl in his bed was a bit too innocent. He liked to think she was just being shy because if she was innocent it meant he made jokes at the expense of her virginity.


Rose sat quietly across him at the dining table in the kitchen, she was sipping away from her tea, making perfectly sure she never met his gaze. Breakfast was just as amazing as last time, yet last time it hadn't been as awkward as it was now. He wanted to break the tension, but he knew she couldn't handle it. So he opted to keep the conversation as light as possible.

"Breakfast is great, thanks."

She smiled in her cup, "You're welcome."

He placed his fork down, the sound causing her to jump. She was restless and embarrassed, the color on her cheeks never fading. It made him want to ask the question, he told himself while he took a shower not to go there, but he couldn't continue like this. If they were actually going to work on their marriage it was also something he needed to know.

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