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Rafael watched Rose's face carefully as she tied his apron tightly around his waist. It was like she was hugging him, her warmth and her scent lingering. He couldn't help himself, driven by his desire for her he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her temple. She looked startled by his sudden display of affection. She pulled away from him and focused on tossing the ingredients she needed for blueberry pancakes into a bowl while he cut up pieces of fruit for a simple berry salad. They didn't talk much but the light mood between them was enough for him to do his task with a smile spread across his face. Rose heated up a pan and turned to him, a cheeky smile spreading across her face.

"Will you take care of this while I set the table and make us some tea?"

He could tell by her cheeky smile that she thought he couldn't handle the task given to him. He didn't cook that often, but even he could flip those pancakes without ruining them. Trying to keep his face void of any emotion he merely nodded.

"Go ahead."

She left his side and started to set the table. She was pleasantly surprised when she noticed he didn't ruin a single pancake. He filled up a plate with golden pancakes which smelled divine. He turned off the heat of the stove and set the plate filled with golden pancakes upon the table. Taking the apron off he watched as Rose took it from him to store it. Taking a seat at the table he started on breakfast. He was late for work this morning, but he didn't care. He didn't regret taking his time to share a moment with Rose. They both needed it. She didn't talk about it, but something was bothering her. He wanted her to know he was there for her. She could talk whenever she felt like it. If she didn't want to talk he'd still be there, trying to comfort her with his presence. He knew sometimes people just needed someone there even if they didn't say a word.

"I had fun." She admitted to him.

"Me too." He told her, not holding anything back.

Her lips curled up into a genuine smile, "Thank you."

He laughed, "Why are you thanking me, told you I had fun too, didn't I?"

She reached for her cup of tea and took a cautious sip from it, the liquid steaming hot. She blew the surface and sipped from it again. His Rose looked so cute doing that. He couldn't do what he wanted to do though. He had to finish up breakfast and head to the office. He needed to collect some things, then check on his drunken brother who apparently went all out last night. He couldn't blame Max, his brother was unattached. If Max wanted to party it up, he could do just that. All Rafael wanted was to see with his own eyes that Max was still alive and well. So he couldn't touch his wife nor could he take her in his arms and carry her back to bed with him so he could explore that soft body of hers.

"I know you have a busy schedule today."

"True." He agreed, "But I can free my schedule to spend some time with you."

The amused gleam in her eyes made him smirk in response.

"Aren't you being so charming this morning, it makes me wonder what you're up to."

He raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm not up to anything. Can't a husband compliment his wife?"

Her eyes told him she doubted him, "You're being even more charming than usual."

He smiled at her, "I'm just in a good mood this morning." He shrugged, his eyes wandered to his jacket which was placed around an empty chair between Rose and him, the sound of his ringtone causing the good mood to evaporate, "I have to take that." He placed his utensils down and reached for his jacket, answering his phone without hesitation, "What's up?" He asked, knowing it was Sebastiano when he checked the display before he answered his phone.

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