Big Brother

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Rafael longed for it to rain and the sky to be gray, some divine sign of his mother no longer being beside them being a heartbreaking thing. Instead, the sky was clear and the sun was illuminating the place where loved ones were resting. It was a stark contrast to how his family was feeling.

He clenched his jaw, watching the coffin descend into the earth. He couldn't cry, he had to stay strong since Aria and Max were breaking down. Nicola wasn't doing any better either. A few days ago his father started mentioning his will which made Rafael anxious. It felt like Nicola was plotting to leave, needing to be away from them and quite frankly Rafael didn't trust his father to be fine on his own. He had a feeling Nicola wanted to do something rash so he never left his father out of his sight. The roles were reversed, but it was the only way to make sure they wouldn't lose another parent.

"You should head home, Rose is dying for some company I'm sure." His father told him, standing tall beside him.

"Aria is going to spend some time with Rose."

"Your wife is recovering, she shouldn't be taking care of your sister."

Rafael glanced at his father, "Don't worry about those things, we have it handled. Our lawyers mentioned they wanted to see us. What have you been doing?"

Nicola threw him a glare which would have made him shut up, but he wasn't a little kid anymore. These past few days made him push through his breaking point. He felt like he could concur anything because of Mario's antics. That man had taken a lot from them, but lessons were learned so he couldn't hate the guy with everything he had. He was well aware that if the roles were reversed they would have wanted revenge as well.

"I'm offended my son thinks so lowly of me."

Rafael refrained from rolling his eyes at his father, he knew the man was in pain. There was no need to start an argument right in front of Pia's grave.

"We should meet with them as soon as possible." He ignored his father's remark and continued with the topic at hand, "To have this all over and done with."

Nicola straightened his jacket, "You're right, I shall give them a call."

As everyone was leaving, heading back to their cars Rafael took a minute to say goodbye to his mother. He wasn't sure if he could pay her another visit soon so he wanted to properly say goodbye. Once he shared his concerns with her about his father he wished her well, praying for her that she could finally rest. He walked away, heading to his car as well, meeting Sebastiano's gaze.

"You have that look in your eyes," Rafael told his determined looking brother.

He moved around the hood of his car and opened the door to the driver's seat. Sebastiano stepped aside so he could climb in, his brother held onto the door so he couldn't close it. It was obvious Sebastiano wasn't joining him at home so he patiently waited for his brother to speak up.

"I'm thinking about going after her."

Rafael narrowed his eyes at his brother, "You sure about this?"

He didn't mind Sebastiano chasing after Chloe, he came to like the girl. She didn't judge and since they saved her from the obsessed Mario her father owed them a lot. He knew Andrew Tate wouldn't reach for a knife and stab them in the back anytime soon. Yet he wasn't quite sure about Chloe and Sebastiano.

"Yeah, I've thought a lot about it and I feel like this is something I need to do."

Rafael nodded, "Then I won't stop you."

Sebastiano didn't step back even though he got permission to chase after Chloe Tate. Rafael had a feeling his brother needed more than that. There were very few times he saw Sebastiano looking this anxious. It was a life-changing decision he made so Rafael could understand why his brother was hesitating. It wasn't up to him to push his brother in either direction. Sharing his life with a woman was a decision Sebastiano needed to make on his own.

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