His Promise

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Rafael hated to manipulate his family, he was always honest with them even when he knew the truth might leave scars. He couldn't be honest with his sister though, he didn't know how to start the conversation about blackmailing his sister's closest friend so he could keep his freedom. There was no way Aria would let him do that to Rose Hart. Aria might feel differently about manipulation, she was still a good person. She knew loyalty was hard to come by so she'd protect those she trusted with everything she had. It was something he admired, it was also the reason why he couldn't tell her the truth.

"I was surprised when you called me to offer me a ride back to campus."

Rafael shot a quick glance at his sister, flashing her a smile and then focused back on his driving. He didn't need to be that focused on it, traffic wasn't bad and his driving skills was actually something he dared to bet his life on. But he wanted to give his sister the impression he wasn't quite completely focused on her. It would cause her to shut down, so he'd be patient.

"We didn't have much time to talk during family dinner."

Aria shifted closer to him, her floral perfume reaching him. It was a fresh, subtle scent which reminded him of fresh linen.

"Isn't that because you were more interested in getting to know Rose?"

Aria didn't know the story, she was digging and wasn't being subtle about it.

"I hadn't seen her in a while, it surprised me little Rose actually dared to talk more than three words to me. I can also see why you like spending time with her, she's a nice girl."

Aria leaned back in her seat and sighed, "A nice girl?" She repeated, "I know you hang out with a lot of good-looking women, but seriously? Rose is not only a nice girl, right? She's hot."

Rafael wasn't going to admit to that, Aria tried to trap him and then make fun of him so he knew better. She was his little sister, he knew her like the back of his hand. He would always be ten steps ahead of her. It was almost cute she tried to catch him in a lie, almost.

"Aria." He told her, a bite to his tone to ensure she wouldn't bother him with happy chatter about his happily ever after with her friend, that was not going to happen, "She's little Rose. We're never going there. So whatever ideas you're coming up with they're all void. Just focus on your studies."

"Fine." His sister sounded like a spoiled brat who didn't get their way, "But you know, she's ten times better than any of the women you've dated before."

"She's also ten years younger than me, it would be like dating my little sister and that is disgusting."

When he shot another glance at his sister he could tell by the way her shoulders had slumped she had given up on the idea of trying to hook him up with her friend. He tightened his hold on his steering wheel, glad he managed to get that weird idea out of his sister's head.

"I get it, no need to paint me a picture."

"Let's not talk about my dating life, I want to talk about you."

He managed to make her talk about herself, Aria was more than willing to update him. He listened and tried not to judge her. It was hard to keep his opinion to himself when she started talking boys. He couldn't show her how much it got to him, instead, he kept a polite smile spread across his face and didn't ask too many questions. Only the ones that mattered. When he dropped Aria off and managed to get information on Rose Hart without his sister getting weird ideas again he'd talk to Sebastiano, his brother would look into it. They'd quietly be overprotective over Aria, making sure the boys she was interested in weren't going to break her heart. Aria would never find out and everyone would be happy.

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