Friend from the Past

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Rafael watched as Rose paced the bedroom, looking like she had to make a life or death decision. Her anxious behavior was catching up with him too. He didn't want to lose his cool though, it wouldn't help anyone if both of them lost it completely before they even had the test results of the pregnancy test she just took. He took her hand in his and made her stop pacing the damn bedroom like a woman possessed. He pulled her with him and sat on their bed, gently rubbing her back, hoping it would calm her just a little.

"Two weeks ago you were fine." He quietly told her.

She faced him, not looking appreciative of his words at all, "Yeah, well two weeks ago we were pretending I didn't ride you in your car without using protection." She inhaled deeply and continued quickly, "Pretending everything is fine is over so now the concerns are bubbling up and it's physically making me ill."

That or the pregnancy, he didn't say those words out loud though knowing she'd freak out and possibly use violence on him to express herself. Instead, he kept rubbing her back, hoping she'd feel better real soon and that some of the tension would leave her.

"Why aren't you freaking out?" She asked him, accusation dripping from her words, "Thought you loathed the idea of having children with me." She muttered.

He tightened his hold on her hand, shaking his head at her, "I don't hate the idea at all, I just feel like we're not ready to start a family yet. We just got married, you've made up your mind to evolve yourself as a person rather than Rafael De Vito's wife. We're not ready to start that chapter of our life yet, but if it does happen then we'll manage as well. Some changes would have to be made, but it shouldn't have to put our life on hold. Finding that balance will become my next challenge."

She smiled at him, her eyes softening, "What should I do?"

He returned her smile, "Focusing on the good parts of marriage and parenting, ideally."

She laughed, "Wanting to make my life perfect?" She asked him, bumping her shoulder into his arm, "Can you remember the days where you threatened to make my life hell if I dared to go through with this marriage?"

Rolling his eyes at her he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hair, "Then I got to know you and decided that I need you in my life."

She snuggled into him, "Right." She whispered, "Let's go with that."

She was more aware of the situation than he thought she was, he was glad she wasn't making a big deal out of it though. She understood him, he was more than happy to have her in his life. There weren't many people who understood him even when he couldn't express himself well. He had to hold her close to him, ensuring her happiness because losing her was something he never wanted to go through.

His hold on her tightened when his doorbell rang. He didn't have to guess who was at his door. His brothers had a key and Aria was actually focusing on school which meant that she wasn't coming over any time soon. Sighing he pulled away from Rose, glancing at the bathroom door.

"I think it's about time for us to check the results, but how about you do that and I'll check on my parents."

She looked amused, swaying her feet up and down, "Who says it's your parents at the door?"

"Trust me, they're the only ones who come over at eight in the morning unannounced thinking it's fine to barge in and nag at me about everything going wrong in their lives and our lives."

"They mean well."

"I know, but sometimes it's hard to see that when they're pushing you to your limit."

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