Ivory Tower

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Rafael awoke by the sound of heavy footsteps, footsteps approaching his bedroom. Sitting up he glanced aside him, the blonde from last night naked and still unconscious. He covered her body up with the sheets which had fallen off her and quickly grabbed his pants off the floor to welcome either Max or Sebastiano half decently dressed. His eyes trailed to the door while he zipped up his pants, noticing the surprise on Max' face as he took in the situation. A rainbow of emotions flashed through his brother's eyes, but anger and disappointment are what lingered.


Rafael didn't bother to react to that, "I assume you're here because you dropped off my car."

Grabbing a shirt from his closet Rafael shrugged it on and walked past Max who was taking in the blonde who was still asleep in his bed. He heard Max following him, Rafael couldn't handle the conversation which they were going to have without coffee so he made his way to the kitchen and started on that.

"Your car is in the garage." Max muttered, "I don't understand what ticked you off like that."

"There is something we need to get straight now before this whole fucked up marriage thing continues."

Max looked offended by that, but he held his tongue, letting him continue.

"No matter what happens you'll always have my back, I'm your priority and Rose comes second." He made sure to keep his tone firm so Max knew there was no room for argument.

"Rafe, she's a nice girl. I get that you're pissed that ma decided to go through with this marriage thing behind your back, but Rose doesn't deserve to be treated the way you treat her right now."

"How I treat her doesn't concern you. If I decide to completely ignore her existence you should keep your mouth shut. When she demands things you'll run it by me first before you agree to whatever she asked of you. Your loyalty lies with me."

Max didn't look happy, but he confirmed he got it anyway, "I understand." He tightly answered.


Max shoved his hands in his pockets, shifting back and forth on his heels, "So who is the girl?"

Rafael glanced at his brother, then trailed his eyes back to his cup to pour himself some coffee, "Someone from the club."

"Seb's club?"

Rafael got his coffee ready and offered Max a cup as well, his brother refused though. He didn't look like he'd stay long, he was just curious about the blonde. Rafael was aware that even though Max told him he understood the situation, the man still not secretly supported Rose. There was something there, but he was in no mood to explore that.

"It's not his club." Rafael reminded Max, "It's the place he likes to hang out at. He spotted Frank, texted me about it and asked me to back him up. It wasn't necessary since Frank was completely out of it. He paid up without putting up a fight."

"I like it when they just do as told."

Rafael sipped his coffee, "I met the girl there." Rafael narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Sebastiano gets it, but do I need to say it out loud?"

Max shook his head, "No, I get it too." He clenched his jaw, "I'm not happy about it, but I get it."

"Good." He walked past his brother, "I need to get ready, is there something else on your mind?"

Max followed him, but then headed to the front door, "No, that's all. I need to grab a cab and meet up with Seb. We'll talk later."

Rafael watched as his brother left the apartment in a rush, obviously too emotional to be around him. Max felt betrayed by him on Rose's behave, he was aware of that. Max, however, did tell him he got it so Rafael wasn't worried about this information leaving his apartment.
He made his way to the bedroom, smiling back to the blonde who greeted him with a warm smile. She slipped out of bed and made a show of dressing into last night's dress without putting on her underwear. They were somewhere, but not in his bedroom. She didn't look upset about that though, she merely shrugged and then approached him.

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