Evil Plotting

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Rafael sat beside his brother Max who drove them to their parents' house. The silence between them was comforting, they didn't need words to express themselves. It had been a tiring day for the both of them and family dinner would only drain them more. They needed the little peaceful moment to regain their strength to deal with their mother.

"We're almost there," Max announced, letting him know they didn't have much time left.

"You spoke to Seb today?"

"I had to deal with the girls." He sounded confused and hesitant, "Why?"

"I don't like it when I don't know what he's up to."

He heard the loud inhale of air coming from Max. They had to trust Sebastiano, the man never did anything to harm their family, but they always held their breath when it came to him. His temper made him reckless at times. He never crossed a line, but that didn't mean it couldn't happen in the near future.

"He's family." Max spoke in a tight voice, "If we can't rely on our family's trust who do we turn to?"

"God?" Rafael smiled when he heard another sigh coming from his brother, "Our mother's faith has only become stronger and stronger. She prays every night her beloved Sebastiano will find a poor girl who'll change his ways."

He noticed how Max tightened his grip around the steering wheel, "Then I hope her prayers never get answered because I can only imagine what a poor innocent girl would have to go through when married to our beloved brother."

Rafael pointed at his younger brother, "So you do understand what I'm trying to say."

"We all understand it, Rafe." Max tried to loosen up as he shifted in his seat, "But we just have to trust him to always make the right decision. If he loses his way it's our job to guide him. This thing between the two of you is exhausting." Max confessed to him, "You always complain about each other, I get that you get tired of the snarky comments about your leadership, but as our eldest brother can you just pretend you don't hear them? To keep the peace?"

Rafael knew very well it was now his job to keep his family together, he owed it to his father to let the man enjoy his retirement. It was hard to pretend he didn't hear those hurtful comments about his leadership though. Sebastiano questioned his every move and it was exhausting.

"I'll do my best, brother."

A genuine smile spread across Max' face which made Rafael reach out to him and give his brother a firm pat on the shoulder.

"Thank you, brother," Max told him quietly.

Parking his expensive looking sports car in front of the gigantic house both Max and Rafael left the car. Max locked up his car and followed after him with quick steps. When they reached the door his mother opened it without either one of them knocking first.

"There are my boys." Pia wrapped her arms around him first, pulling him in for a big hug, "You two are late, the party started half an hour ago." Pia pulled away from him and pulled Max in for a hug, "You look exhausted Max, do you get enough sleep?"

Max smiled down at his mother, "Sleep is for the weak." He chuckled when their mother gave him a rather harsh shove against the shoulder, "Or something like that." Max muttered, walking past Pia while rubbing his shoulder, "Let us apologize to the guests."

Rafael stopped in his tracks and braced himself when he saw his youngest sibling dashing toward him and wrapping him up in her arms. Smiling he ran his hand through her blonde locks and held her close to him.

"It's good to see you too Aria." He chuckled when she tightened her grip around his waist, "I've missed you too, sweetheart."

She pulled away to look him in the eyes, her blue eyes watering because of the emotional state she was in. This girl had all of them wrapped around her finger, sometimes he had a feeling his sister was aware of that and manipulated the situation to work in her favor. However, they all let her be because Aria was their precious little sister.

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