His Puppy

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Rafael felt a pressure on his body, it gets more and more annoying with the seconds that passed. Opening his eyes he glanced aside to see Rose snuggled to his side with her head resting on his shoulder. She was more or less clinging to his arm, almost as if she was afraid he'd disappear if she didn't hold on. It was cute, but it felt like she was trapping him to her. He didn't like that feeling.
He carefully detached her from his body, not wanting to wake her. He gently rolled her onto her side of the bed and slipped out of bed before she awoke and had time to plot something mischievous again. The woman was determined to get in his pants. She was supposed to be a freaking virgin who had no clue what she was doing, but she acted the opposite. He hadn't been with a woman since he married Rose and her being so straightforward lately would cause him to make a mistake. He needed to tread carefully or fuck it out just like Sebastiano suggested to Max the other day. That thought though didn't sound that appealing to him anymore. He couldn't sleep next to Rose when he had done the nasty with another woman. It just wasn't right.


He glanced over his shoulder, meeting Rose's tired eyes, "Hm? Did I wake you?"

"No." She reached for her phone on her bedside table and squinted her eyes when the bright light hit her face, "It's barely six in the morning. What are you doing up?" Her voice sounded thick with sleep. He obviously did wake her somehow.

"Couldn't sleep anymore." He moved to the bathroom, "I'm going to get ready, go back to sleep. You don't have to be up."

"Once I'm up, I'm up." She mumbled.

"I'll make it quick." He told her, closing the door behind him.

He kept his word and made sure not to stall, even though he wanted to so he had some away time from her. Wrapping the towel tightly around his waist he stepped out of the bathroom, being careful of his surroundings. Like hell, he was running into her again half naked. When it was safe to leave the bathroom his eyes trailed to the bed. She was sound asleep again. Smiling he entered his closet and got ready for the day. Once dressed and ready to start the day even though it was not even seven he tiptoed out of the bedroom and as quietly as possible made his way to the kitchen.

"Where are you sneaking off to?"

He glared at Aria who was seated on his living room couch looking like she was having a good time. She raised an eyebrow at him when he didn't answer. When she inhaled he quickly answered, afraid she'd raise her voice which would wake up Rose.

"Rose is being weird, so I just want her to keep sleeping while I get ready to leave." He quietly told her.

"Weird how?" Aria asked, clutching a cup with both hands.

His sister was wearing a gray colored knitted jacket over a flimsy white top and dark joggers. She looked comfy as hell, that woman was never going to leave his apartment again. He was certain of it. Then he had Sebastiano who was recovering from getting shot in the leg by a fucking traitor whose heart he'd rip out with his bare hands. He wasn't leaving anytime soon either. He wouldn't be surprised if Max showed up one of these days also claiming to stay at his apartment because he felt left out. It was like he went back in time, back to the days he lived at his parents' house and everyone was around all the time. His mother was right about this changing his life forever. Not fighting it Rafael moved to the couch and sat down beside his sister, taking the cup she offered him to sip it. It was damn good coffee, he was grateful for that.

"She wants in my pants." He told her, "And normally I don't refuse a woman who offered herself to me like that, but she's a virgin. I can't, I just can't."

"Because she's a virgin?" Aria asked, "It's not a disease, Rafe. She just decided not to have sex with the guys she dated before. I mean even though sex feels great and makes you feel high and sluggish at the same time, it's also messy. I mean bodily fluids and other things which aren't that sexy, you want to share that with someone you're either freaking attracted to or someone you love." Aria flashed him a pointed look, "We both know which category she fits in."

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