Tears for the Princess

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Rafael had put all his time and effort into finding Chloe, breaking a promise was something he never wanted to do. He promised her he'd help her no matter what so he found himself tracking down every single lead about the politician's daughter himself. Sebastiano was putting in great work as well, he knew it was much more personal for his brother. His brother would never admit that since he liked to pretend he was made out of ice, but Rafael knew his siblings pretty well. Sebastiano cared for the manipulative woman who had a soft spot to her.

Currently, he sat in the passenger seat of his brother's car while Sebastiano was tracking down another lead they had. It had been two days since Chloe went missing, it wasn't looking good for her. Usually, it meant the victim was dead, at least in their world it did.

"She's tough." Sebastiano said out of nowhere which pulled him back to reality, "Chloe wouldn't go down without a fight."

Rafael smiled, "That was a front she put up, she's actually more harmless than Rose."

Sebastiano glanced at him, "What do you mean?"

Before he could speak up Marcus moved forward and smiled at his brother, "Chloe and Rafael are besties after all. The night before she left she came to find him to settle things. They were all over each other-" He chuckled, finding his choice of words the most hilarious thing ever, "Not in a romantic kind of way, more like an overbearing brother and annoying little sister kind of way." He grinned, "You know what I'm talking about."

Rafael glared at the man, "You're having me followed."

Marcus didn't even deny it, "Well, yeah, I don't like surprises."

Rafael grabbed the man by the front of his shirt, "You're the unpredictable one here. But I'm not having you followed."

He pushed Marcus back when Sebastiano tried to calm him down, "He's not worth it." His brother told him, "I feel like Marcus has a man crush on you. Just let it go." Sebastiano brushed it off, "So Chloe came to see you?" He asked, ignoring the man in the back seat completely.

Rafael nodded, settling down in his seat, "Yeah, she wanted to share her displeasure with me. Then we started talking and came to the conclusion that we don't hate each other. I promised her I'd help her if she ever got in trouble." He let out a hollow chuckle, "She needed that favor sooner than expected."

Sebastiano leaned back in his seat, the creaking of the leather breaking the tension in the confined space.

"I hate that mom and dad were right about Santo."

Rafael tapped his side, unconsciously making sure that his gun was still there. They arrived at the rundown motel which a brown-haired beauty was spotted at. It could be Chloe, but he doubted it. Their men had been chasing empty leads like this for hours. Andrew's security detail shared tips with them every other second. It was getting tiring, but he wasn't allowed to lose hope. He had to see with his own eyes that Chloe was no longer alive, only then he'd stop feeling like a caged in animal.

"I told you something was off about him after I had that dinner with the arrogant guy."

Marcus snorted, "That must have been one awkward dinner."

Rafael glanced over his shoulder, "Not at all, I actually had a great time. Same goes for last night, hanging out with the old man at the club was enjoyable enough. He didn't share anything useful, but his choice of words are just off. Like he's challenging me, but at the same time trying to reassure me that he's not angry about the past at all."

"Because he dodged a bullet?" Sebastiano jokingly asked.

Their mom was not exactly the greatest, she had tons of flaws. All she really had going for her was her beauty. She was judgmental and harsh and when she lost her temper she was like a woman possessed. But she was their mother and they loved her despite all her flaws. That being said, he could completely understand why Mario was relieved he never married Pia.

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