Her Challenge

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Rafael was wiping his body dry, wrapping the fluffy navy towel around his waist and then opened the door to his bedroom. He was greeted by the sight of his sister leaning by the door whilst glaring at his wife. They were having a tense conversation in quiet voices, he didn't have to guess the subject of their tense conversation. It was quite obvious he was the subject in question since they both quieted down the minute he entered the bedroom. Sighing in frustration he moved to his sister and kissed her temple. That little show of affection did nothing to her tense behavior. Usually, a smile spread across his sister's face, letting him know she liked getting his attention. He pulled away from her, his eyes serious as he gently told her to back off.

"It's too early for this, Aria." He told her.

She was clutching a cup in one hand, the sweet scent of tea not doing anything to brighten her mood. Aria's look told him she didn't agree with him. It might be because she already had coffee in her system because his sister looked wide awake after the terrible night she had. Much like his sister he needed some coffee in his system stat because he knew this was going to be a dreadful morning. He didn't do catfights, they were more ugly than when two guys were fighting. Less blood yet their words were razor sharp to cause such vital wounds.

"I disagree." She told him, something he already figured on his own, "This conversation was due like weeks ago." She watched him as he moved to the closet to get dressed, "We'll never get back what we had because you broke whatever trust I had in you." With that Aria left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

Definitely razor-sharp words going for the kill. He got dressed in a record of time and strolled back into the bedroom, his eyes shifting to his wife who was clutching the sheets to her chin. She looked ready to cry, he couldn't blame her. Aria could be horrible whenever she was pissed off.

"Don't let her get to you, this is between you and me. I'll make that clear to her."

"No." Rose met his gaze, "I'll fix it myself."

"When Aria feels betrayed by someone even if the reasons are valid or not, they're dead to her. You should know that considering the two of you were inseparable."

A subtle smile spread across her face, "I know that very well, but she'll get even more pissed when thinking that her brother is taking my side and not hers. She can also be childish like that."

He tried to hide his smirk, she was dead on about his sister. He wasn't supposed to agree though, he was supposed to tell her his sister was like sunshine brightening the room and warming up the people in it. It wasn't like that though, Aria was straightforward, her tongue sharp while she gave off the impression of being innocent. She manipulated her brothers because she was aware they'd sell their souls for her. Rose knew about all of this and still wanted to fix the situation on her own, he was impressed.


That could be taken as a threat or a warning when she met his gaze she knew what he meant.

"I'll be careful." She promised him, "What do you want for breakfast?"

He brushed her off, "Take care of yourself this morning, I'll have breakfast at the hotel."


He collected his phone and moved to the door, "See you tonight, Rose."

He closed the door behind him and moved to the kitchen, approaching his sister even though Rose told him she'd take care of the situation herself. He wanted to make himself clear to Aria before he left. Rose didn't need to know about that.

Aria's eyebrows shot up when she watched him approach her, "I don't want to hear it."

"You're going to listen anyway." He told her, not liking the fact he needed to play the role of older and stern brother, "Whatever is going on between Rose and me, that's between us. I'm touched that you feel the need to protect me but focus on yourself instead. Got me?"

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