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Rafael cupped Rose's face, gently tilting her head back while he deepened the kiss. She was straddling his lap in bed, her soft body warm and comforting. Her eyes were hazy while she pressed her hands more firmly against his chest. He deepened the kiss, getting turned on by the soft sounds she was making. Pulling away from the intense kiss they shared he gently brushed his thumbs over her cheeks, locking eyes with her to ask for permission. The subtle smile that spread across her face was all he needed. He reached for the hem of her shirt and carefully pulled it over her head and tossed it aside. Her cheeks heated when she realized she was straddling his lap with her chest bare to him. Not wanting to make her feel even more self-conscious he never looked away from her eyes. He reached for her, placing his hand on the back of her head and pulling her in for a kiss again.
He kissed away all her concerns, he felt her body heat up as she got into it again. Carefully he trailed his hand over her back, a pleased little sound leaving her lips. He pulled away from her and pressed his lips against her neck, his hands massaging her sides and slowly moving up. Her breathing picked up, he could tell that body wrecking sensation was building within her. She moved her hands down and pushed them up his shirt, exploring with renewed confidence. He stilled his hands when a piercing sound echoed through his apartment. Closing his eyes and letting out a tired sigh he grabbed onto Rose's sides and pulled her away from him, placing her beside him on the bed while he leaned over and grabbed her shirt, handing it back to her.

"Take all the time you need, I'll deal with them."

He rolled out of bed and fixed his hair. He was still in his sleeping attire, but he wasn't expecting any company so they had decided to stay in bed all day. That plan was ruined now that he knew his family was standing at his door, wanting to see Rose make sure she was okay after yesterday's episode.

"Dealing with who?"

He glanced over his shoulder, meeting her confused gaze, "My family."

Her cheeks heated up, she looked guilty which made him chuckle.

"Come out when you feel like facing them." He told her and then left the bedroom, heading to his front door to invite his family in since he knew very well they weren't leaving until they saw with their own eyes that Rose was doing okay.

"Good morning or shall I say good afternoon." It was his mother's way to let him know she disapproved of him still hanging around in his sleeping attire, "Why aren't you dressed yet." Pia pushed past him, heading straight for the kitchen, "Go get ready while I get brunch ready. Is Rose awake yet?"

His mother always took charge, it could be emotionally draining but today he appreciated her straightforwardness. He knew Pia would take good care of Rose, wanting to help the girl feel settled. He shared a look with his father and then headed back to his room, closing the door behind him. Rose was getting dressed, when he closed in on her he could smell the sweet scent of strawberries still lingering from her shower. Leaning in he kissed her temple.

"Ma is preparing brunch, I'm going to grab a quick shower."

He walked past her and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him and getting ready to meet up with his parents to have brunch. He could hear soft sounds in the background, Rose wasn't leaving the bedroom without him. She was either still feeling embarrassed about his parents coming over when things were getting heated between them or she wasn't confident enough to face his parents on her own after finding out the truth. This time he wasn't sure which one it was and when it came to Rose it had been easy for him to read her.
After his morning routine Rafael quickly got dressed in a pair of jeans and a gray sweater, he could feel Rose's eyes on him, but he didn't falter. He didn't mind the attention. With a subtle smirk spread across his face he sat down at the edge of his bed and put on his socks, Rose's eyes piercing him. The one getting all hot and bothered because of the staring was her, which was a delight considering it was him who was being stared at.

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