Knitting Those Baby Socks

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Rafael was getting ready to leave the apartment, a bit taken back by how Rose was handing him things and making sure he had everything he needed. That included forcing him to have an awkward breakfast together with his wife and sister. Aria wasn't leaving his apartment, he didn't mind her staying, but the tension between Rose and Aria was really bringing down the mood. He glanced over his shoulder when the doorbell echoed through the apartment. Shifting his gaze to his wife she shrugged a shoulder at him.

"I'm not expecting anyone." She told him, "Especially this early."

"Max and Seb have keys to the apartment so I really hope it's not who I think it is."

Rose looked surprised, "Who do you think it is?"

He straightened his jacket and glanced once more at his reflection in the tall mirror, "My father." He then walked past his wife, heading to the front door to greet whoever dared to pay him an unannounced visit at eight in the morning.

"I'll get it!" Aria called, slipping right past him to open the door.

If it was indeed their father it was probably a good thing that Aria was opening the door. He did get close to her, making sure she was safe. He heard movement behind him when he shot a glance over his shoulder he noticed Rose making her way to the kitchen. She was going off on his instincts and prepared some hot beverages. She was more reliable than he'd ever admit out loud.

Aria opened the door and flew in their father's arms the minute the door was open wide enough, "Daddy."


Nicola returned the hug, flashing Rafael a glare which would cause an average person to run. He was used to Nicola's glares and threats though. He didn't falter nor did he started apologizing like a babbling fool.

"Shall we move this inside?" He asked.

Aria pulled away from their father and skipped inside, grabbing Rafael's arm and dragging him with her to the living room. He knew Aria was behaving like that to be his shield. He didn't need his sister to protect him, but he was grateful to her nonetheless. She sat close to him while Nicola sat across them, eying the situation carefully. When Rose walked in with a tray in hand Rafael knew why his father had looked that out of sorts. Nicola wanted to make sure what he could and what he couldn't say. With Rose present as well his father couldn't go into details which were even better. He thought these women in his life were freaking tiring, but right now they were the reason why Nicola stayed calm. He could deal with their cold war if they managed to keep Nicola at bay.

"Good morning, Nicola." Rose placed the tray down, "Coffee, tea?"

"Thank you, doll." Nicola changed tone which made Aria beside him tighten her grip on his arm while she tried to bite back her laughter, "I'll help myself."

"To what do we owe this surprise visit?" Rose asked, surprising all of them by speaking up like that.

Nicola poured himself a cup of coffee, keeping up his friendly mask, "Just checking in on Aria, heard she was in town and wanted to make sure my girl is doing okay."

"Rafe is an amazing brother, of course, Aria'd be okay." Rose told Nicola, her tone letting all of them know she didn't want to be argued with, "He has been nothing but supportive of her. She is welcome to stay as long as she wants to."

Rafael then realized Rose was having his back. Pulling away from his sister Rafael poured Rose a cup of tea and handed it to her. She smiled at him in thanks. The gesture didn't go unnoticed by his father or sister. Aria made a noise of disagreement while Nicola just smiled.

"Anyway, as you can see I'm perfectly fine, dad." Aria told him, her tone overly sweet, "I just missed hanging out with Rafe."

"Rafael just got married." Nicola told her in a stern voice which he rarely used on his daughter, it meant that Nicola was very serious about this matter, "You should give the couple some privacy, Aria."

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