1. Guilt

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Tord's POV:

'What have I done? What's wrong with me? I'm so stupid! It's all my fault!' That's what I've been telling to myself for the past few days.

After the 'incident' with my giant robot a lot of stuff happend. Like I left the army. I just couldn't lead them anymore, It was to much. Then I gained some depression and anxiety too. And I had anorexia and sometimes even panic attack! But...I deserved it...

All of those things were not that horrible, but the GUILT. It was eating me alive! I just couldn't take it anymore............I had to apologize... But I was not going to ask for their forgivness...

I didn't deserve it....I killed Jon, blew up their house and almost killed them too! There was no way they were going to forgive me... I just wanted them to know I'm sorry. Then I could die happy.... Finally happy......

Tom's POV:

It's been two weeks since that whole thing with Tord. I was living in the same building as Edd and Matt, but I was not in the same apartment. It took me while to get used to it though.

But I still felt something was...off. I just didn't know what. But I didn't like it. Oh well, today we had movie night at Edd's apartment. 'I wonder, what we'll watch.'

*Later in Edd's apartment*

"Hello, Tom! Glad you came!" Edd looked at me as I closed the door of his apartment. "Hello, Edd, where's Matt?" I asked. Before he could reply, someone slammed the door open and Matt was standing there. He looked really happy. "Heyy guys!" I looked at Edd and then back at Matt. "Umm, hi Matt. Did something good happen?" " No, I'm just in a good mood today. I feel like something very special is going to happen today!"

"Well I'm happy that you are happy." Edd said with a wide smile on his face. "Should we watch the movie now?" I asked. They both nodded.

Tord's POV:

'Okay, I'm here.' I thought. I checked the adress again. I was really nervous... My head hurt. I felt a bit dizzy too... But I didn't care... 'Okay, here we go.......'

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