A slave

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Wkb ghdo kdg ehhq pdgh.  L ehorqhg wr kfp.

Wills POV

I can always remember the sounds of pain. I know them so well it hurts my head every so often to think about it, the words ingrained in my head so much I can feel the pain with no one inflicting it. It hurts in real life too, when it's used on your skin. Like its some plastic bag, you can rip open without any trouble. Do plastic bags feel pain too? And flowers we pick out of the ground? I should try harder to make sure they don't feel the kind of pain I do.

The slice of a knife, the stab of a sword, the clank of a chain, the crack of a whip. It was so normal and yet it hurt more and more each time. The strange torture devices could make anyone bleed, any human feel sore. The torture that can make me scar and obey.

I was in the cellar, its the closest thing I get to a room. There were various weapons on the walls, despite how small the room was, it was as if every blade they owned surrounded me. It felt like the walls were closing in every time I dared look up, the thought was frightening. I had my back against the wall, wincing in pain at the wounds on my back that had yet to heal. They would heal rather quickly but worse ones lasted longer, usually leaving scars. And it healing quickly didn't exactly make it feel any better, it was like my skin was being ripped apart, and stitched back together. And with all of that? I was powerless to stop it. I was just... Powerless.

I was sobbing in my grief, tears endlessly went down my cheeks and on my bloody collar. I was crying so much my eyes felt sore, I had to stop but I just couldn't. The agony and mirth writhing throughout my body flooded my good sense. Any moment, one of the twins would call me upstairs. Mabel's voice would screech and cackle throughout the whole estate, Dippers would boom, strict and demanding. They might ask me to do some chore on a normal morning, but normally it would be a scolding for an unacceptable job at my normal chores I had done the previous night, or in reality, about an hour ago.

If a demon doesn't need sleep, then he doesn't need rest, does he?
No, but a human body does.

I held my knees to my chest and let my head fall atop them, burying my face to muffle the sound. Crying as much as I could, they hated it when I constantly cried. It annoyed them, and sometimes they abuse me more when I don't stop as if that taught me any better.

I heard the sound of the door opening followed by Mabel's sharp voice, making me flinch from my fetal position. "Slave! Get up here!" She exclaimed in a crisp cut-off tone. I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst mentally and physically. Scrambling to my feet, trying to ignore the searing pain I felt, I made my way up the stairs and to the living room, wiping away my tears the best I could. I hoped they wouldn't notice my sore red eyes and puffy cheeks despite my snow-pale skin making it hard to miss.

The twins were waiting for me, Mabel was pacing back and forth with impatience, and Dipper was laying across his chair lazily. Mabel shot her head in my direction when she heard me quietly enter. Naturally, my fear made me speak to see such a stabbing glare in her eyes. "Yo-you requested me M..Mistress Ma-Mabel?" I asked with my normal stutter coating over my words. Even saying her name was terrifying, while she looked elegant, she was cold and vile. I needed to stop stuttering, in my mind, it would get me in trouble, but they didn't seem to care. "Ah, finally you're here, could you walk any slower?" Mabel scoffed clearly agitated and speaking in her normal sarcastic tone. I looked down in guilt as if the pace of my walking had anything to do with her impatience. Dipper got up from his seat, sparking our attention to him, "Come, we need to practice, and you're going to be in the act" he said with his careless tone, pointing to me with a straight finger. I looked up, a little surprised I would be involved. At the same time, the thought terrified me. I've always been in the back, watching their performances. Watching as they chose an audience member to be their volunteer. I didn't know how they could want to even be at the show. The twins' power was inevitable... With enough of it, they could take over the whole town, and more.

I followed the twins into the practice room of the manor. I only went into this room to clean it up after they make a mess of it. They instructed me to stand in the center. I did as they asked and the practice began. They did as they wanted, and I did not interfere with their orders. I didn't enjoy it much, but it wasn't as terrible as originally expected. I hadn't gotten hurt, perhaps they didn't want to look bad on stage by hurting the abnormal assistant with blue hair.

Soon enough it was over and I was excused to go clean the house. I walked to the kitchen and began preparing their supper. I was cooking what they ordered, if it wasn't perfect, I had to start again. Sometimes they'd even challenge me, giving me something hard, that they know I can't make just to watch me fail. While I waited for it to cook, I began to dust the pictures on the wall, and the items rested on the bookshelves. As I was dusting Dipper walked into the room. He looked at me when I was noticed, and said, "Aren't you suppose to be making dinner?" I flinched at his voice, the familiarity of it made me tremble in itself. Snapping out of my fear, I replied quietly, holding back tears, from his threatening voice. But the tears slid down my cheeks anyway the moment I spoke, "I-It's cooking in th-the-"

"Look at me when you're speaking"

He interrupted. Slowly, I turned, trying to stop crying. I looked at him and he smiled a devious smile. It was menacing and very unsettling, the trembling seemed to get worse, but I was fixed on him. He didn't seem to mind my soft crying, at most he almost looked pleased with my suffering. "D-Dinner will be se--ser-served soon. I-It's cooking s..so I'm dus-dusting to fill ti-time" I said, trying not to look Dipper in the eyes. But when I did, I noticed Dippers crystal blue eyes softened. "Alright, just don't burn it or you'll be punished," he said, then turned to leave. Before he left he turned his head to me and smirked.

That was truly terrifying and make me shiver down to my bones, my eyes got wide at his surprising action. A simple look like that could mean just about anything, and I hadn't the faintest clue what he planned for. I turned to continue but that was interrupted when I heard the ringing of the oven. Running over to the kitchen, since I couldn't use magic while in the manor, I did the finishing touches on their meals, then walked to their room. They both shared a room, even if there were plenty of rooms in the house that they didn't need to share. However, Dipper was never in their room, he normally slept in his study where he had an extra bed.

Only Mabel was in there, which was no surprise; she sat on her bed, texting on her phone. She looked at me when the door creaked open. Speaking in a slow voice, she questioned, "What do you want?" I fiddled with my fingers in nerve, and replied "D-Dinner is re--ready" she smiled, though it was nothing friendly. "Wonderful, go fetch Mason. He's in his study" she said getting up from her spot on her bed. I nodded and walked down the hallway to his study.

I lightly knocked on the door, only seconds later, I heard a voice on the other end. "Come in" My shaking hand turned the knob and opened the door. "Di--D-Dinner is ready," I said trying not to stutter, but failing miserably. "Perfect" Dipper got up from his seat, and I led him to the dining room.

The dining room was lined with chairs that circled a long table, it could hold a hundred guests if it wanted, though normally it never showed purpose for that. Dipper sat down next to Mable, and I served them their food on clean shiny glazed plates.


I was doing the dishes when Dipper walked into the kitchen, "You're excused" he said to me. It was kind of scary to hear those words, usually I had to stay up until I finished all my chores to absolute perfection. I looked at him with a surprised look, though I was much more skeptical than surprised, "A-Allow me to f-finish M-Master" I said softly, wishing to avoid punishment later. He looked down to the floor beneath his feet, his voice snapping, "Go, now" he said sternly. I knew I had to leave then, I turned the water off and walked towards the cellar. Walking down the long hallway and trying to make my steps as light as possible. I knew Dipper would punish me for arguing with him, I shouldn't have interfered.

Hallo! Did you like my crappy excuse for a chapter? No? Why? There was no Willdip? Oh haha, don't worry my innocent Lil bean. It'll come. I promise ~ Also just to be clear, Will isn't allowed to call Mason his real name, only Dipper, technically Master. On the other hand, Mabel can call him Mason, or anything she pleases. Even if he doesn't like it-

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now