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Wills POV

I was writing down invitations. It was a little difficult but at least I had the names in front of me as a list. Mason sat beside me, sighing as he was helping make the invitations too. "A-Are you okay..?" I asked him quietly. He looked up "Yes, Im fine. Just.. It's nothing" he looked away, signing an invitation with his blue pen, and beautiful cursive. "T-Tell me whats w-wrong Mason.. Please" I said again, looking at him.

He put down the pen. "Mabels a completely different person. It worries me that somethings wrong, like Im doing something wrong. And Im afraid she'll do something to you" he admitted. "Its not a big deal.." "N-No its okay. I-I understand!" I said quickly. He looked at me "Y-You're scared. But I-I promise it'll get b-better. Probably a-after the party e-everything will be o-okay again" I told him. Mason laid his head on my shoulder "Okay. I don't know why Im so worried. Sorry" I smiled shyly "I-Its okay. Really" Mason kissed my cheek, then we got back to signing the invitations.

We spent a long time preparing for the party. Mason went off to deliver the invitations while I went to clean the ballroom. I took in cleaning supplies. The room was kind of dusty from it not being touched for a year. I got soft rags out and put stuff on to clean the floor with then put them on the floor. I looked around, then I stepped on them. I started to slide around like I was on ice skates, spinning around and cleaning the floor at the same time. I use a little magic so they would stay on the bottom of my shoes, then I spun and slid. I basically was ballroom dancing.

It was a lot of fun, it reminded me of when my brother pulled me into it. Though its a memory I'd rather forget, its still a nice thing to do. I was distracted at this point, I didnt notice someone watching me. "I see you still like to dance" I looked over to see Mason, yelping I ran into a wall.

He laughed, and walked over. "S-S-Sorry! I-I didnt m-mean to goof o-off" I said quickly, my stutter taking over my words. "Its fine.." He looked at my feet, then peered at the cleaning supplies. He went over and put on rags like I had. "May I join you?" I looked surprised and slowly nodded.

He slid over and took my hand. We started to dance together, gliding along. He put his hand on my waist. It wasn't a surprise he was so good, I had seen him dance at the party every year. At the end, each twin would choose a special person to dance with and end the night. Everyone stays to have a chance to dance with one of them. That thought suddenly wouldn't leave my mind. He probably cant dance with me because I'll ruin his reputation. I wonder which girl he'll chose to dance with.

"U-Um.. Mason?" I asked. "Yes my dear?" He asked, not focusing much on my voice and more on dancing. "Who w-will you d-dance with tomorrow night?" We slowed down to a stop and he stared for a moment. "What do you mean? I'll dance with you" I shook my head "N-No, you shouldn't! I-I dont want t-to ruin your reputation" I told him quickly. He chuckled and put a hand on my cheek "There's no one else I would want to dance with" then he pulled my head down, and kissed me softly.

I knew it was a terrible idea if he danced with me, I tried to think of other ideas, but some where embarassing or near impossible. So I just sighed "O-Okay.." He smiled slightly "Good"

He helped me clean up the ballroom and set up a few things. We would spend most of tomorrow figuring out the schedule and getting the food ready. So as the next day arrived, I was sitting on the floor thinking about the time ranges of each event. I seemed to have it all correct, so I got up and went to tell Mabel everything was ready.

I knocked on her door quietly. I must haven't knocked hard enough because I got no response from the other end. So I knocked again, a bit harder. Then I heard Mabel sigh a bit too loudly and say "Come in" in a salty-sweet tone. I opened the door. Mabel was just brushing her hair, many dresses and accessories were laid out on her bed. "Oh! Slave, I needed you" she said when she saw me. "U-Um yes.. I-I just came t-to tell you e-everything besides the f-food is ready for tonight" I squeaked. She smiled putting down her brush and standing up "Marvelous" she picked up two dresses "Which one do you like better?" She proceeded to put each one up against her, and I hesitantly pointed at the one on the left. "And what should I wear with it?" I looked at all her accessories and pointed to a necklace and then her headband, which she currently wore. She nodded "That'll do, now leave" Mabel waved her hand at me, and I did as told and left.

I went downstairs to start preparing the food, I know they want many things to chose from.

After that I took it all and set it on the long table as neatly as possible. I did my best to make things at reach. I was difficult but I managed. I glanced at the time. Two more hours until the guests would begin to arrive. I went down to the cellar- which was still my room because of Mabels strict demands. I tried to think of what would be a good thing to wear, something Mason would like.

I eventually decided to go with my tophat in which I only wore for special occasions now, my blue tailcoat, a nice blue bowtie to match, and a black dress shirt and pants. I was brushing my fingers through my hair, wondering whether to show my "third eye" or not. I eventually decided to cover it, but it still slightly showed. I'd say I looked at least representable. I hoped Mason wouldn't hate it.

Finally it was time the guests would arrive, I was at the doors greeting guests and directing them to the dining room for dinner first. Everyone looked very fancy, some waved and smiled at me or thanked me for directions. I was still overly nervous despite my best efforts. I couldn't help but think something would go wrong.

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now