Scars you left

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Wills POV

I was still shaking, I was unbelievably cold. Especially at night the water was freezing. What did Mason need? Why did he want to stay? He held my hand and looked in my eyes. "I love you. So much Will" thats not something I expected him to say. Then again he was just crying. "I... I-I love you t-too Mason"

I looked up at the stars. He followed my gaze and smiled "Pretty huh?" I nodded. "Really.. I-It's the first t-time I've seen i-it in person" I said. Mason turned to me. "Have you really never seen the world besides my home? Haven't you come here before?" I laughed nervously. I mean, I know a lot of your worlds history but... No, I haven't gotten to see it in person. I was trapped in a different dimension until you summoned me. The demons there just wouldn't let me leave anotherwise..."  Mason kept staring, his cold blue eyes seeming to sting the side of my face. I returned the gaze.  "Before. Would you have preferred to be there, or here?" He asked me. I thought for awhile about that question. What would I prefer?

Eventually I sighed and said "In all honesty, I wouldn't prefer neither. I'd rather be dead... I don't know which ones better.." I said quietly. Mason then stopped looking at me, he reached into his pocket, pulling out a pocket knife. Once I saw it's blade, I shrieked, getting back and putting ny hands over my head "P-Please don't hurt m-me!" I cried. He seemed surprised "No I'm not doing to hurt you! I was thinking the opposite of that" I stopped covering my head and looked at him. "The... O-Opposite..?" Mason nodded.

He held out the pocket knife to me. "I want you, to hurt me with this. Kill me if you want, just do it" he told me. What!? You must be joking, how does he expect me to be able to hurt him? There's no way. My body started to shake as he handed me the dull knife with bloodstains. My bloodstains I'd assume.  I stared at it, my eyes wide "N-No.. Mason I-I cant h-hurt you.." I said quietly. "It's okay. You can, I've hurt you and now you can hurt me. I want to know what even a simple stab felt like..." he said holding out his arms to expose his body. I shook my head, stepping back "N-N-No I w-wont do it!" I shrieked, tears flowing down my cheeks.

I looked around, seeing the lake I looked back at him "I-Im not going t-to hurt you!" Then I tossed the knife quickly into the lake, where it slowly began to sink to the bottom. I looked back at Mason, and he stared in shock. Then he sighed. "Then let me see" he said. "Wh-What?" He walked towards me. "I never really paid attention to how bad your body looked from hurting you, and you always hide most of it. I want to see" My face turned slightly red. But I had scars and red spots, bruises and some even that continue to bleed. They're everywhere! I can't let him see it.

"N-N-No Mason- r-really i-its okay though-" "Thats an order" he interrupted.

Even though he's my lover, He's still my master. And I've learned to obey. Not to interfere.

I sighed "C-Can I j-just take o-off my shirt a-and you can see that..?" I asked quietly. He sighed "I suppose that'll work.

So, I began to take my vest off. Along with the dress shirt, revealing my unbelievably snow pale body. Scars covered everywhere, there was cuts that still slightly bled despite my best efforts to stop it, the yet-to-heal stab marks in my stomach. The stabs in my shoulder and arms. The countless wip marks on my back, and the bruises sprinkled everywhere upon my body. The cuts on my neck, and the chain indents in my wrists, around the chains. And on my chest, though there was other injuries, there was a big, red, heart.  Mason stared for a long time, as I looked away embarassed by my state.

Eventually, he went up and traced the heart, but gently so it wouldn't sting.  "Do you remember when I did this?" He asked me. Of course I do, we were in the cellar, he was busy abusing me because he had felt the need too. He carved the heart in after kissing me- a lot. Then he asked me if I loved him.... And I said no...

I looked at him slowly and nodded as a response. He Paused before continuing. "Why did you say no, when I asked you if you loved me?" I froze, thinking about it. How he had gotten so angry.. He started to cry.. I couldn't believe a little word could hurt him so badly. "I-I...." He waited quietly for my answer.

I sighed, "I-I was j-just really scared... Y-You were hurting m-me, and I-I was convinced y-you hated me... I-I wasn't sure what t-to think, I-I had no idea what l-love was until now... B-But.. When y-you were so b-broken, I-I realised what m-mistake I had made.. A-And I c-cant believe I-I ever told y-you no.. I-I really do love you Mason" I told him, using my words carefully.  He stayed quiet as he listened, he hesitated to give any response. Instead he pulled my head in, and kissed me.

It was sweet and sincere. Not a hungry desperate kiss like I was use too. He meant it just because he loved me. He brushed his fingers on my cheek, soon enough pulling away he smiled "I'm just glad you love me now..." He hesitated before adding. "I'm so sorry I hurt you so much.. My heart aches to see all those scars I've given you" I took his hands in mine. "N-N-No it's okay. I-Its fine.. Th-They aren't a-all because o-of you!" I said quickly. "They're r-reminders of h-how much you've i-improved" he looked down before nodding, then he gave me my shirt.

I put it on, along with the vest, both of which were still soaked. Mason sat by the lake, staring down at the water. I walked over, sitting beside him.  He slowly laid his head on my shoulder, to which my face dusted with pink.

"I love you William Cipher" he said quietly, closing his eyes. I laid my head on his. Slowly I replied to him, "I love you too Mason Gleeful"

I don't know whether or not to continue this. I could end the story here and finally be done with it- but at the same time I could add one more event in before finishing it off. This needs some thinking-

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now