A Lovers Sacrifice

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The one with one eye, said he sees all.
He had all the power, to make others feel small
The end of time, the rip between space
Is here to determine humanities fate.
He said keep your guard up, and never be afriad
I trusted and listened, but it never seemed to pay
I've been tricked, I've been hurt but I still trusted you.
The one with one eye, lied again.. Thanks to you

Wills POV

Dipper had them. The tears rolling down his face and Bills eye widened. "Sweetie. Give them back" Bill snapped holding his hand out. Dipper started to walk backwards "I thought you changed, you were different" he began. "You promised.. You told me you were done terrorizing people!" Bill laughed "We didnt make a deal on it, promises and deals are different. Promises can be broken with a simple finger cross" he said demonstrating with his own fingers. "Deals are either fullfilled or called off, just more complicated" he said looking to the side and shrugging.

The tears on Dippers face seemed to burn as they stained his cheeks "Bill..." he said again, his lip quivering. The words were trapped between his teeth, unable to slip through his lips. "B-Bill just s-stop this before i-it gets any worse!" I piped up, shaking so much I could fall over. I shouldnt have interfered, but it was far from the Worst thing I had done. Bill snapped his head over to me then shot it back and laughed mockingly. "Oh baby brother, how pathetic you are! That's my intention" Bill held his hand back out to the younger male in front of him, gesturing for the amulets. "Last chance my prince, hand them over" he said, his voice deep and almost lustful. Dipper stepped farther back, holding them close to his chest. "No... You never loved me, when I loved you. It was all some stupid trick wasnt it!?" Dipper yelled, his head down. Bill looked at him strangely "What are you talking about? Of course I didnt trick you, I love you and I still do-" "What about your own brother!?" Dipper countered. "You haven't once told him you loved him! He trusted you every time, even after you went and put the world to shit! I bet after this, he'll still love you the same! Look what you're doing, you're KILLING him! Do you not feel any shame at all!?" His voice rose as he spoke, the anger pouring out into his words.

Bill remained silent, slowly, he took his hand back. His head dropped "Blx zrxogqw xqghuvwdqg lglrw. Krz dp L vxssrsh wr fduh iru vrphrqh L qhyqu vhh?" He said, his voice low and disoriented. Dipper didnt understand what he had said, but I did. "You wouldn't understand, idiot. How am I suppose to care for someone I never see?" I turned my head, what did he mean? "So many times I wanted to tell him, how much he means to me. But after he got sold off to the Gleefuls I am expected not to care, even adore it and I do. I love every terrible thing they do to him, how am I suppose to care for someone I hurt myself? I dont care about Will, he should stop caring about me" Again, Dipper looked confused "I-I dont understand..." He said softly. "You dont need too" Bill turned his head towards me, light glistened in his eyes "Will, I dont know why you trust me, after everything I've done. How many times I've hurt you, tricked you, laughed at your pain, you still treat me the same. Why cant you just hate me?" He said, and slowly began to walk towards me.

I struggled to stand up, feeling weaker by the second. I managed to stand still, in front of my brother. I looked into his eyes, staring deep within them, opening my mouth I softly said to him "Because w-what kind o-of brother would t-that make me...?" Bill chuckled and smiled at me, he snapped and Mason appeared.

Bill walked over and took off his blindfold but kept him tied up and forced to watch. "I want your lover to see this" he said and turned back to me with a big grin. My eyes got wide, and I stepped back. My brother walked toward me, the grin crazy and threatening, he went to attack me when a blinding light flashed within the sky.

I covered my eyes, afraid I won't be able to see after this. The light stretched across the entire surrounding area, wondering what happened, my curiousity made me look. Bill was on the ground, and Dipper had his hands stretched out, and the amulets gripped within his hands. He used my own powers on his lover to save... Me? I was in shock, why would he do that? Questions filled my mind. Bills body glowed, he looked up at the sky, then Dipper. His body crippled to dust "Looks.. Like Im going to the mindscape.. I'll see you in your dreams... Pine tree.." he closed his eyes and smiled. The last of him turning to dust and flying away within the wind.

Though it hurt me, in many ways, I decided not to waste more time, I looked towards Mason, then ran to him. I got down on my knees, even though I felt weaker by the second I untied him. He fell into my arms with a softening kiss. His fingers brushed through my hair. It was desperate, but welcoming. I kissed him back, sharing my lips with him, gently laying my cold hand on his cheek.

After a long silence, we broke away from each other. He whispered into my ear "I've missed you~" blush spread across my face, he didn't change. I looked over at Dipper, who looked down sadly, but didn't cry. He took a deep, shaky breath then said "The magic should die down, lets go inside..." He turned his head and walked into the manor. I brought up Mason, my fingers wrapped in his "What about my sister?" He asked. I thought for a moment "S-Since the m-magic is dying d-down, she'll b-be back s-soon" he shrugged and led me into the manor.

We all sat down on the couch, Dipper dropped his head into his palms, I sat beside him. I brushed my hand on his back "W-What you did w-was brave... You s-saved so many people..." I started to tear up "I-I'm sorry it costed s-someone important t-to you..." Dipper lifted his head "Its okay.. Really, it was for the best" he stood up "Will, can you take me home? I need to get back to Mabel, I dont want to worry her too much" Dippers voice trembled a bit. "O-Oh right, of c-course" I stood up but instantly felt a sharp pain stab my gut, I yelped and fell to the floor. Mason ran to my side quicker than Dipper, my vision was fuzzy. The voices quiet blurs. I didn't know what was happening, I felt scared.

"What happened, what did you do!?" I heard Mason yell. "The amulets have his power... Right?" Dipper asked. I heard no response but saw fuzzy movement "Well, we didn't give it to Will in time, so I think he's either human or close... Which would mean he's dying" The closed eye on my forehead, slowly faded away. And my one slit for a pupil shifted and changed, I had normal crystal blue eyes. Anything inhuman seemed to be changed or removed from me, slowly in time. I felt weaker and weaker, pain I have never felt before. Millions of times worse than the abuse I've recieved from people I knew. This is what it felt like to die.

Hello! I'm so sorry for the updating delay, I haven't felt like writing this. I think I'll mostly continue this within free time or if Im just bored out of my mind. Ill see if I post the next chapter within... A week lets say. Okie, have a good day mah chibis!

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