Gravity Falls

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Kh kdg wkh dpxohwv. Zkdw pruh glg kh zdqw?

Wills POV

My whole body was shaking violently. I was sitting there for a moment still in shock. I knew I shouldn't be wasting time, every second I lose more of my powers. I finally pulled myself up, and closed my eyes.

Soon enough, I found myself in a forest. In the distance was a shack. I wasted no time, I ran towards it, barely able to keep standing. I feared I would trip any second on something. Too many things were running through my mind. I just needed to find Dipper, he would know what to do. Hopefully.

My body felt weak and my breathing became heavy. I felt tired, and suddenly felt like I needed to eat. I hadn't eaten in weeks, maybe months, but it was never something I noticed. I never actually needed to eat, suddenly I craved food though.

I got to the shack and lightly knocked on the door. Feeling scared to talk to anyone besides Dipper. A girl that looked like Mabel opened the door. She wore a skirt and a pink sweater with a shooting star. It reminded me of Bills nickname for Mabel. This must have been his Mabel.

"Bill?" She asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion. "W-Wheres Dipper, I-I need to s-speak with h-him. P-please" I said, barely able to keep up with myself. My heart was racing. She looked more confused "I-I'm Will" I said. She nodded and opened the door wider, motioning for me to come in. "I'll go get him" she ran down the hallway and I waited by the door. Impatiently rubbing my wrists, which still had the chains. I wondered if my Dipper was okay. I had no idea what was happening in the other world now. I hoped he was okay, I needed to fix this mess.

Dipper walked downstairs and saw me "Will? What are you doing here? Wheres Bill?" He asked, suddenly having worry in his voice. "I-I don't have m-much time" I said close to crying. "Whoa okay, calm down" Mabel said. She led me to the couch and I sat down straight, almost perfect posture like I always had to do. "Okay, explain what's going on" Dipper said, growing impatient. "B-Bill made a deal w-with me, h-he took my p-powers... Or almost a-all of t-them.. H-Hes already a-attacking Reverse Falls, I-I need your h-help to fix this, P-Please! Y-You've defeated him b-before and I-I'm running out of t-time" I said starting to cry, I grabbed his shoulders. I put my head in his chest and cried. "What do you mean, you're running out of time?" He asked, rubbing my back in comfort. I winched from the sudden contact but replied "O-Once he has a-all my powers.. I-I'll be human.." I lifted my head up "P-Please! I cant r-risk anything h-happening to Mason!" I cried.

"Isn't that Dippers na-" Dipper covered Mabels mouth before she could finish. "Um.. Okay he's taking over Reverse Falls? How do we beat him?" Dipper asked. "H-He has two b-blue amulets. G-Get them b-back and the deal w-will be off. I will h-have my powers b-back and c-can stop him" I said. I wasn't sure how I planned to stop him, Bill was still stronger than me either way. I decided not to say anything.

Dipper sighed "I thought Bill wasn't going to do something like this.. He promised me.." He whispered. Then I hugged him "W-We can g-get him back" I said. We both took a breather. "Let me grab the journal, do you have enough power to get us to Reverse Falls?" Dipper asked walking upstairs. I followed him "Y-Yes" I said, feeling weaker. "P-Please hurry"

Dipper grabbed the 3rd Journal, and looked at me. We walked back downstairs. Mabel looked at us "What are you doing?" Dipper walked up to Mabel and put a hand on her shoulder. "Me and Will need to take care of this, I promise I know what I'm doing" she had a sudden sad expression "You're going to leave me?" She asked. "It won't be long! I'll come back right after". Mabel hugged Dipper. I teared up, sometimes I wish me and Bill had the sibling relationship they had.

They finally let each other go. Dipper turned and looked at me. Nodding, I grabbed his hand "H-Hold on" then I sent us to Reverse Falls.

We appeared in the living room, right where I left. Nothing looked very out of order. I ran to the door and opened it, outside was utter chaos. "Its just like Weird Mageddon.." Dipper said. Everything seemed out of order and blood was everywhere. There was screaming, deformed people walking around like zombies. In the middle of it all, was none other than Bill Cipher (Still in human form)

He was laughing, at the war he set off. I went to Bill and looked up at him "W-Wheres Mason!?" I asked feeling fear rise up in me. He laughed, "Oh that kid! Boy is he ever stubborn!" Bill said. "P-Please! Let m-me know he's o-okay!" I pleaded. Bill smirked "Get down on your knees and beg" he said. I looked at him wide eyed. But got on my knees and bowed down, "P-Please Bill.. I b-beg you!" Soon enough, he snapped. Mason appeared on his knees. A cloth was tied around his mouth, which he was biting and his eyes were covered. His hands were also cuffed behind his back. "M-Mason!" I lunged toward him, but before I could grab him, he dissapeared. "Ah, ah, ah, not so fast Blue! You cant have him that easily" he said. I began to cry "P-Please, let him g-go! You promised y-you wouldn't hurt h-him!" I said through tears. "And I didn't, its a simple custody method" he said twirling his cane.

Dipper didnt waste anymore time, he yelled at Bill saying "Bill! Stop this!" He looked down on Dipper. "Well, well, well, glad you could join the party Pinetree!" Bill flew down onto the ground in front of Dipper. I ran up behind them. "Don't you love what I've done? You could help sweetie" he grabbed Dippers hand and kissed it, but he pulled away. "No! Bill stop this!" He demanded. Bill smiled a crazy smile "I'm just getting started!" He said. "Come, join me and we can reign hellfire together!" He said Dipping Dipper (ba dum tshh) "Bill hand over the amulets. You can still stop this! Don't you want to be with me?" Dipper asked. Bill pulled his hand towards him "Of course I do! Whats better than ruleing two worlds together?" Bill asked.

Dippers head dropped to the floor "Sitting on a couch... And watching TV.. Running in the woods..!" Dipper began to tear up. "A normal life with you!" he finished. Bill lifted up Dippers chin "This world has room for the both of us to rule! Join me and I promise it'll be worth it" He pulled in Dippers head and kissed him lightly. Dipper pulled his head away "If you don't stop... I can't be with you" Bill pulled the human closer. "You don't mean that~" I watched Dipper move his hand into Bills pocket. "Yes.. I do!"

He pushed back Bill holding both amulets in his hand. He held it up, breathing heavily, and tears pouring out of his eyes. He managed to get it so easily. "Game over Bill!" Dipper yelled.

Who would have thought it was so easy- well hey it's not over my children! We got a few more chapters to go.

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now