No ones truly gone

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Wills POV

I still hadn't heard anything about where Bill was, and Mason refused to explain how he even managed to get back.  So, instead I tried to think of any possible way to bring Dipper back. I've still had no luck.

I couldn't manage to get over my terrible mistake. It truly made me feel like a demon.  And instead of getting praised for finally killing someone from the other demons, I'll probably be hated even more.

There was so many things going through my mind, I didn't know what to do.  I actually started to clean to get my mind off of it, of which Mason told me I didn't need to do.  Though his sister implored me to catch up.

Mabel is still mad, and refuses to even acknowledge my existence for almost anything.  Maybe she's angry she doesn't have her powers anymore, though she could still perform as long as I was there. 

In the mean time Mason gave me permission to try using my magic, and get use to it. It was definitely strange, I had almost forgotten the feeling. While practicing I noticed a few things, but a big one is that when I touch something, sometimes my magic works on its own.  For example, I touched the wall and flowers followed the path of my fingers, sprouting out of the wall.  Mabel was very mad, and got away with a couple cuts on me, that Mason never noticed.

As for... Dippers death.  I gathered up the courage to go and tell his family. They were all devastated, and Mabel was only saying how she should have gone.  I explained how everything happened, though I didn't mention it was my fault. I did say it was an accident.  They are probably still crying over it, and it makes a lot of sense. It hurts a lot to think that this all could have been avoided if I didn't want revenge or something. I don't even believe that was entirely me.  Like, maybe something took me over? I would never kill someone for such an absurd reason!

So, here I was. Wiping off the counter with a damp rag, and thinking immensely of what to do next, and all the past events.  I couldnt help but think, that if he could, Bill would try to come back and get his revenge on me.  I didnt go back to check on him since he didn't want me around anyway. 

I noticed a familiar brunette leaning on the doorway and watching me from the corner of my eye. I just ignored it, quietly mumbling to myself to keep up with my thoughts.  Though I ignored him, he seemed hurt by that. He walked over and waved his hand in front of me "Hello? I was sure you would notice I was there" he said, with a slightly sad tone. "S-Sorry.. I-I didnt know i-if I should mention i-it or not.." I said simply, looking at him.  He frowned "Well, I guess its fine" he glanced at the rag that I had stopped moving. "You're cleaning again? I told you, you dont have to do that anymore" he said, confused on why I didnt take the opportunity, immediately. "I-It distracts me... I-Im sorry" Mason rolled his eyes "Its fine, I was just saying" he gave my cheek a kiss, then went to leave. Before he did, he turned around and said "People make mistakes. All you need is one person to forgive you"

I thought about what he said for a long time. Soon I put away the rag.  And went to go find him. I saw Mabel and Mason talking about something, maybe their next act.  I listened in for a moment. "I think we should have it tomorrow. We already postponed it due to past events" Mason was saying. "Is that even enough time? We have to get everything ready!" "We have a demon with magic now, we'll be fine" He said simply.  Mabel rolled her eyes. "Alright fine.  Just don't forget to invite everyone to it, and not any commoners! We cant have them ruin it" she huffed, folding her arms. "Yes, of course-" "And no leeway on that little demon because he's your boyfriend! He has to help, and if he messes up, I'm hurting him!" Then she turned Away and went upstairs.

Mason, sighed "Will, come here" he said, knowing I was listening. I walked over to him "What d-do you need?" I asked. "We're going to have the party for all the richest and popular people as we do.  I need your help to prepare for it" I nodded. I remembered how this event goes, so I already knew all I needed to do.  Then he took my hand, and led me to get started.

Bills POV

I couldn't bare to watch Dipper lay there anymore. I found the others but refused to show I was heartbroken.  I lived my life in the nightmare realm as whatever we consider a king. And at night, I always lock myself in a room to feel empty without my loved one.

One night I was with my henchmaniacs. They were all partying away as always. Pyronica came up to me "Come on Bill, aren't you gonna party with us? We're going to play some more spin the person" she said pointing at everyone sitting in a childish circle. "No. I think I'll just go" I got up, and went to my single throne, alone in the realm. I sat on it and sighed. "Oh Dipper.. If only you were here right now..." I said quietly.  I noticed a bright light in my vision, but I didn't check to see what it was. But my head shot up when I heard a familiar voice "I already am"

I looked to see Dipper. Though he seemed to be more a spirit than a human. He had a light tint to him.  I got up slowly, not believing it was him.  "Dipper...?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.  "I'm here" I took his hand "But how? Will.. I thought you died" I said, wondering how this was possible. "I'm not sure, I think my soul was trapped in this dimension, So.. Kind of the same as you" he explained.  I hugged him, kissing the brunette endlessly. "I'm so glad you're here! I thought I lost you... I..." "Shh.." Dipper said. "I'm here now" we held each other in a tight embrace, for a long time.  I couldn't even begin to understand how he came back.  I was just glad he was here now. "I love you"

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now