The house in the mours

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Down in the mours, is a small wooden house.
It has one bedroom, too big for a mouse.
The kitchen is filled with silver kettles, and plates.
And the walls are decorated, with flowers and lace.
There's two owners before. And the same before that.
They took care of the house, in the sun that was cast.
Now it stands here alone, at the edge of a pond.
Waiting for new owners, to come live upon.
The small wooden house, down in the mours.
Where the birds sing quietly, and flowers grow on the doors.

Wills POV

Our footsteps were heard quietly, our fingers binded together. I've never seen such beauty up close. Water quietly dripped off of our clothes. I'm surprised they weren't dry by now. Mason kept close to me though.

I looked at the trees, it was all so beautiful in the moonlight. He looked up at me and smiled "Its pretty isn't it.." He said quietly. I nodded "It is.."


We gotten to the manor, hearing chatter echo through the hallway. Hadn't all the guests left by now? The closing dance.. What had happened afterwards?

I looked at Mason to see the same confused look, he let go of my hand and opened the doors into the ballroom. There was people in there, all talking. But it fell silent, when he walked in. I followed quietly, though maybe it was better if I just stayed outside.

There Mabel was in the center, breathing heavy. Everyone seemed to be staring at her. She looked to me "You!" she said. "You're suppose to be dead!" she sounded infurtiated at the fact that her plan was failing. The crowd gasped loud at her comment. Mason spoke up just moments after, "How could you do this!? Because your selfish!?" He said. "You tried to kill him for your own reputation?" Again, another gasp. Why did I have to be in the center of all of this?

Mabel smirked "Oh? Of course I did!" She said. "I'm not done yet!" And with no warning she took out a knife and ran towards me. "I'll make you feel more pain than you've ever felt before!" She exclaimed. I felt myself start to shake. As she threw the knife and it stabbed right into my heart.

And thats. When I snapped.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks, as people screamed and said "He got stabbed!" "Stop her!" "Call a doctor!"

I felt my hands burn, fire burst around me bright. My eyes wide, the chains on my wrists visible.
You'll always be a slave. Always.
No. Im not your slave. Mabel stepped back. "I'm not your slave anymore" I said. I held out my hand towards her. "I'm not your slave" the blood seeped through the stab wound, immensely pouring onto the floor.

I gripped my fist "I'm not your slave!" The room began to shake, and my chains broke, shattering. Chains shot from all directions, above the guests. More screams. The chains wrapped around Mabel, I walked forward. "I'm not your slave" I repeated. "I never will be ever again!" I cried, tears flowing down my cheeks. The floor beneath her broke open, and the chains dragged her down. She screamed. The floor resurfaced and all grew quiet. The fire calmed down.

I put a hand to the knife in my heart. It hurts. I put both my hands on the handle and yanked it out. Blood spilling out, I stumbled forward.

Mason ran towards me "William- William you'll be okay" he told me. "It'll be okay" I looked at him and smiled, nodding "I-I know..." I said quietly. Mason hugged me. "I'm sorry" I just hugged him back, "It's okay..."

I got the stab wound bandaged up, and for some reason despite the events, some people stayed for a bit longer. Back in the ballroom, I rubbed my wrists. I was free now. I was actually free.. Who would have thought Mabel was keeping me locked up. Mason looked up at me and smiled, "How does it feel?" He asked noticing me rubbing my wrists. I hesitated to answer "It f-feels... Amazing... Im f-free.." I said quietly. Mason glanced towards the center of the ballroom, smiling. "I have an idea"

He walked towards the center of the ballroom. "Excuse me, may everyone clear space in the middle please?" he asked. People moved back, to make room. He cleared his throat. "Earlier tonight was the closing dance, but we're here now. The one I had wanted to dance with had ran away.. Or, been taken away. I sincerely apologize for my sister, she wont be a threat any longer. And with that, I'd like to close off this party the right way" he looked towards me, holding out his hand to me. "May I have this dance?"

Mason, what are you doing? This is a terrible idea! Though my mind was hesitating, telling me this was a bad idea. Slowly my legs took me, making me walk forward towards him. I heard people gasp and murmur, but I did my best to ignore it.

He smiled, bowing to me. In which I returned with a bow aswell, and he took my hand. "Don't think about it. Just look at me" he said quietly. And with that, we began to dance, he guided me along the ballroom floor. It was like the lake, except now we weren't alone. But, all of the worry, and all of the fear I expected to feel wasn't there. It seemed to have dissapeared. I smiled as we danced and everyone watched. Let them watch. This is who he is, who we are.  I'm the one he chose to love. It was me.

I noticed Pacifica cheering for me, as she jumped up and down happily. Some people had smiles and awed. But I was stuck on Masons sweet smile. He didn't look away from my eyes, the entire time we looked at each other. The entire world disappeared.

The song started to slow down, slowly we stopped too. He dipped me down, as I placed my hand on his cheek he lowered his head to me. And he kissed me. A sweet kiss. True loves kiss. So it was real.

He lifted his head, and we both held each others hands, looking out at everyone there. Everyone was silent but slowly, slowly I heard it. Everyone was.. Applauding, cheering. For us? I didn't expect this.. This is not what I thought would happen. Mason held my hand tight.

"See? I told you. Everything will be fine"

*cOuGh* happy endings. Whoa! I didn't expect that, I never write happy endings- ahh! Well anyway. I'm sorry this ended so quickly, this was such a fun story to write, and it was so cute and amazing to read all of your comments. Thank you all so much for reading! And congrats on surviving all this drama. Also, anything in here like- poems or songs were written by me because I get bored a lot. And if you'd like, try cracking the codes throughout the story, its not super important if you read it, but I think they're a cool feature- anyway.

If you want more, I am working on another Will x Mason story that I may release at- some point.. It's kind of like a disney story parody? Maybe? Ah nevermind you'll see- okay thank you my chibis! Goodbye~🧡

Also! After a few months of consideration, I have decided to go back and remaster this story. So it is now in the works of being remastered!

Oh, wanna know something even better? There's a sequel now.

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now