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Wills POV

I was finishing up my normal chores. Trying to avoid contact with either of the twins. I didn't see Mabel, she didn't even cone down to eat when I called for her. She must be outrageously angered with me. Maybe even Dipper.

There was small tears going down my cheeks as I thought about everything. I've done so many things wrong. So many. I could only hope a punishment wasn't necessary. Maybe their cold hearts would have some good in them? I knew I was lying to myself.

I wrote a little note that I was getting groceries and put it on the refrigerator, hoping Dipper would see it. He knows if I go somewhere, I always leave a note of when I'll be back.

I was in the store, buying the essentials, everything the twins would want me to get. I couldn't get anything for myself, I was never allowed too. Mabel told me that from day one that I was to treat myself to nothing. I only served them.

Once I bought the groceries I began to walk back to the manor. Two girls were looking at me, when they saw I noticed them they walked over. "You're the guy that broke down crying during the Gleeful performance!" One said. I looked down in embarasment. I knew they would start to criticize me and call me a crybaby but instead they both hugged me. "You poor thing, how could they do that to you!?" One said in a high pitched voice. "Why did you cry? She said it didn't hurt you" the other asked. I struggled to speak "I-It didn't" I lied. I knew I needed to hurry. "I-Im sorry I really n-need to go" before they could object, I was already running back to the manor.

I got there a few minutes later and saw Dipper waiting at the door. "Where were you?" He asked. I backed up against the door. "G-getting groceries" I said. He chuckled. "You're late" I didn't know what to say. So he grabbed my tie and dragged me down to the cellar, making me drop the bags. I knew he was going to punish me.

He tossed me on the ground and took a knife off the wall, then walked over to me. "Take off your shirt" Dipper instructed. I looked at him and my eyes got wide. "M-Master-" "Don't argue" he interrupted. I slowly took off my shirt, it was embarassing. You could clearly see my ribs and all my scars showed from my pale skin. I looked up and him.

He stood me up, and pulled me down to his level since I was a few inches taller. "You know... I've been thinking about you" he started. I wanted to tell him I thought of him too, but I was afriad to speak. "And. I want you" he said. Cautiously I put my hand through his hair then held the back of his head. He stared at me with lust in his eyes, then pulled my head in and kissed me. It seemed to natural, so satisfying. I didn't want to let go of him. I needed Dipper in my life. I knew that now. No matter how many times he hurt me. Dipper broke the kiss and looked into my eyes. "You mean it? You need me?" He asked. I blushed and nodded. I forgot he could read minds just like I could. Then he pulled my head back in. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled his body closer to mine, afriad if I let go I'd lose him forever.

After a few minutes, we broke the kiss for air. Or he did. He looked down at my chest and smiled. I didn't know what he planned to do, but I saw him hold up the knife. "M-Master?" I asked scared. He put the edge of the knife on my chest, and began to carve. I yelled in pain. "M-Master! Please s-stop!" I pleaded but he didn't. I felt him curve it down, then back up into another curve. "D-Dipper!" He looked into my eyes and whispered. "Like I said, you belong to me" then he sliced the knife across my cheek, making me wince quietly.

Then Dipper dropped the knife, and began to kiss my neck. "M-master what are you..." I stopped with a small moan of pleasure. Dipper chuckled, "Do you love me?" I held my breath by his question. I wasn't sure. He hurt me.. He still hurts me... I kept quiet. For a long time I didn't respond to him and we both stood still. Then I said something I knew I would regret. "N-no..."

Dipper looked at me for the first time with shock. "What?" He asked. I looked away, trying to not look Dipper straight in the face. "I-I don't love you... b-but I do. I care a-about you! You mean e-everything! B-but... You hurt me.. I can't... C-chose.... Y-you hate me... A-and you loving a s-slave.. Me loving m-my master I.. I don't know!" I said confused by it all. Dippers dropped his head and his face got dark. Then I heard a soft whimper. Was he crying? No he wasn't capable of that "D-Dipper-" I started. He grabbed my hair and threw me down without looking up. "Don't call me that! You are to only to refer to me as Master" He snapped. Then he turned and said "Re-do your chores, you don't get a break tonight. You will work until morning and work more after that. If I hear any crying or complaints, I'll double your punishments" he said sternly but with a trembling voice. Then he walked out of the room.

"M-Master wait!" But he was gone. I looked down at what he carved on my chest. It was a big.. Bleeding... Heart.

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now