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Wills POV

Dipper licked his lips as he studied me up and down, then locked his eyes in my waist area. "D-Don't look t-there!" I told him, but he refused to take his eyes off me. Tears filled my eyes and I shut them closed.  He lifted his hand, but before he could do anything Mabel walked into the room "What do you want slave-" she cut herself off once she saw the position we were in. "Mason, thats enough" She said.

Dipper refused to move, ignoring his sister he grabbed my blue vest and began unbutton it.  Mabel clutched her fists and pushed him off of me "Did you even hear me?" She asked clearly annoyed and disgusted.  Dipper rubbed his head and she continued "I swear, I can't handle your gayness and Will obviously doesn't either, no wonder he called for me" "I-I can hand-" Mable cut me off "I expect you to be able to do that in private" she rolled her eyes, and I noticed a small gag.  Dipper sighed, and said casually.  "You didn't have to push me so hard"

I turned my face to him as he added "What was that for anyway?" Mabel cocked her head to the side.  "Is this a joke?" She asked with a monotone voice.  "No, I seriously don't know" he threw at her.  I tapped the ground with nerve, wondering if I should explain. This wasn't what I expected. How did he not know what he was doing?  Mabel opened her mouth, "You were trying to undress your boyfriend" she said mockingly.  "No I didn't" I blushed uncontrollably at Mabels statement but Dipper didn't react much as if it was nothing.

He stood up, "It doesn't matter, don't play these silly games. I have things I need to attend too. Mabel, go chase celebrities with your friends or something, and Will you're dismissed. Go rest" Dipper said to us and then left.  Me and Mabel looked at each other, I was shocked but she didn't care.  I was still contemplating Dippers reaction, I needed to ask Bill of this was suppose to happen.  I needed to contact him in the mindscape if I could.

Mabel went to leave but stopped before she reached the door and said, "Go to the cellar, he said you're dismissed" then she followed her brother out.

I sat there still on the ground for a few moments.  Feeling pain in my side but also confusion, he dismissed what he did completely as if he did nothing. Finally I gained enough strength to haul himself off the floor, and started walking to the cellar.  My mind filling with questions.

I stumbled down the stairs and fell onto the floor once I entered the room.  "W-What was t-that?" I asked myself.  I still held the wound on my side, wanting it to regenerate already.  My whole body stung from the multiple cuts and stabs I received.  I closed my eyes and quietly whimpered.  I took my hand off too see how bad I was bleeding when I saw a blue amulet in my palm. I still had Dippers amulet.

Dippers/Masons POV

A few hours had passed by, and I was working so hard it gave me a splitting headache.  I put the 2nd Journal aside, from studying it down to the last letter and got up.  I walked out of the room and down the hallway, I saw my sister and she said "We need to prepare a new act, the Tent of the Telepathy is sceduled in a few days" I smirked and replied "Luckily I was just looking through the journal, we could easily poision one of the volunteers this time" I suggested.  Mabel shrugged "We've already done that" "Its a classic and we're running out of new things to present" I countered. She sighed "What type of challenge should we give them?" She asked. I shrugged and thought for a moment "A classic game, three cups. We'll explain one of them will give them powers for a limited amount of time. All of the cups will be poisioned, when they die we could easily fake they are still alive and have powers" Mabel smirked at the idea "Perfect, that'll work lovely" she agreed.

Since I led these, I made most decisions. Of course, I always gave my sister equal participation in our acts.  She means enough to me that I give her that much freewill.  But I still lead most things to show I have dominance and she was my loyal assistant.

Mabel brushed her hair back "I'm going to take a shower, you can decide what poison to use and how this'll all work" she said. She went to walk away but I stopped her by saying "Wouldn't you like me to join you?" She turned around and looked at me funny, like I was a joke "No, we're too old for that" she said. I walked over and grabbed her hand "Aw come on, it'll be like when we were younger" I said.  She yanked her hand away "Mason you're acting weird, stop it immediately" she demanded.  I just laughed, even I realized I was acting off but I didn't question it.  "You're becoming distant from your own brother" I said with a lustful tone.  "Well I have my reasons, if you want a shower with someone I'm sure Will would be delighted" She turned to walk away again, but I whipped her around and dipped her.  "Come on, it's not a big deal~" (incest is wincest) she gripped her fists and then punched me. I dropped her and held my cheek feeling a surging pain seconds after the attack "So help me Mason I will use my powers against you" she said putting a hand on her headband.  I just laughed "I have powers too you kno-" I went to put my hand on my own amulet but felt it wasn't there.  "My amulet.." I said quietly. "What did you do with it?" Mabel asked, now mad at me for not having it.  "I don't know, I didn't put it down" I argued, really I had no clue it was even missing until now.  "Well you don't have it, so it has to be somewhere!" She snapped.  "I swear, I had it with me" "Just find it! We can't risk it being in the wrong hands!" She speed-walked down the hallway "Get Will to help us find it" she said when she passed by me.

I walked downstairs, and down into the cellar. Opening the door I saw Will inside crying and holding his side. His other hand was gripped tightly. He stood up immediately when I walked in "W-What do y-you need M-Master?" He asked, already having a hint of fear in his voice. "I'm not going to hurt you at the moment, come. My amulet is missing and we need to find it. Have you seen it?" I asked.  I noticed Will hesitate to reply, his eyes glanced around the room. Finally he inhaled and said "N-No I haven't"

Want a little explaination on why Dipper doesn't know? I mean, he literally handed it to Will- well you know how he didn't know what they were talking about when he got pushed? He doesn't have any memory of what he did, thus he doesn't remember giving it to Will. Will also forgot he had it, and that's why he didn't give it back, and why he lied? Well, figure it out.

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now