His true plans

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Wills POV

I cried, and cried, and cried.  I felt so useless, even though I did nothing wrong.  I thought he would stop hurting me, he said he would make sure it stopped. I feel like he isn't even himself anymore, like hes posessed.  I curled up into a little ball, hoping maybe my tears would carry my pain away.  Is this really all I'm good for? Maybe he's right. 

I couldnt stop crying, so I gave up in trying to wipe the tears away. I was still bleeding, blood all over the place.  I grunted but managed to haul myself up, then started walking up the stairs.  I just needed to focus on getting Mabels amulet. I had an idea, but I wasn't positive it would work.  I just needed to try, I wanted to get this over with.

I walked over to Mabel, trembling and barely able to stand.  She was reading a book quietly, alone in the room until I came.  "What do you want?" She asked. I hesitated to reply, unsure if what I was going to say would work. My anxiety was seeming to take me over.  Was this really something I could do? Maybe I should just say I couldn't do it.  I couldn't back down this was to help Dipper.  "I-I think I k-know a w-way to find Mas- Masters! A-amulet" I corrected, I can't believe I almost said his name. She glared at me, "And that is?" she asked standing up and shutting the book.  "Y-Your amulet, they m-might be connected.  I-I could g-get it! I j-just need your a-amulet for a little" I said, almost unable to move my mouth.  "Why would I trust you with it?" She asked.  I fiddled with the end of my vest, before I replied I heard Dippers voice "Just give him it" he said.  We both looked in his direction "Mason, what if he tries to get his powers back? We can't risk it!" She argued.  He just laughed "He doesn't have the guts, It'll just be a little while without your powers" I looked down in shame.  She sighed, "Fine" she finally said after a long silence. I almost couldn't believe my ears, she agreed to it? She took off her headband and removed the amulet. Then placed it in my hand. 

"I'm sure you'll have no problem with us being here while you do this" she said.  I hurried up with a reply and said "I-I need to g-go to the m-mindscape" she cocked her head to the side, I forgot she wasnt aware of what it was.  "I-Its like a d-different dimension, a m-mind?" I didn't know how to explain it.  Really It wasn't a mind, more of a different place, but each persons was different.  She eyed me, not fully convinced.  I patiently waited for permission "Alright, hurry up" she said.  My eyes got wide, It scared me to be given this permission. I could barely believe I was going through with this.  I looked back and forth between the two of them, growing tense. I hoped that Bill was there, I couldn't waste time waiting for him.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, entering our mindscape.  I was back to the huge mansion I saw before. It had more decorations now, more details.  I walked in and down the hallways, looking to see if Bill was even here.  He added more blue to it, he seemed to be more fond of me.

I walked turning, and studying the place for once. It really was beautiful, Bill was good at this, a lot better than me.  I don't remember the last time I decorated my own mindscape, much less ours.  I called out "B-Bill?'" but it wasn't very loud.  He must not be here, I had to wait for him.  I sighed and walked to a bookshelf.  It had memories on it, I was always curious on what Bills life was like compared to mine.

I took one out and opened it up, he was cornering Dipper, his arm blocking him like my Dipper did to me.  He looked at him "Bill cut it out!" Dipper said.  Bill just laughed "Thats really cute Pinetree" he said.  Dipper cocked his head to the side confused.  "Cute?" He asked, a hint of blush crawling across his face.  Bill chuckled "What? Dont think a demon can have interests?" Dipper blushed more.  Then the memory ended. It was so simple, why would Bill remember that? I mean, it was just him flirting with Dipper, didn't he do that all the time?

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now