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Wills POV

I don't know how long I sat in the same position.  Minutes, hours.  I didn't move a muscle and stayed in the position Dipper left me in.  I couldn't move, I feared if I did something would happen.  He kissed me, he kissed me. Dipper wouldn't do that, he hates me. He was hurting me before he did it! My mind was jumbled and I didn't know how to handle the situation.

Like Dipper had warned. Mabel also punished me.  She called me into the living room and when I got there she was infuriated.  She was mumbling under her breath and when she saw me she growled with clenched teeth.  "You!" She said in a angered tone. She gripped her whip tighter and walked towards me. "You ruined my performance!" She yelled, then she took the whip turned me around and whipped my back.  I let out a yell in pain.  "They all asked me what happened! I said it was apart of the act and they hated it!" She whipped me again.  "They didn't want to come back! All because of you" she slashed her whip again. Harder this time, it was cutting through the fabric and my skin easily.  "I told them I'd punish you! But they weren't convinced!" She whipped again.  "Well do they believe me now!? No! Of course they don't!" The leathery rope slashed my back once more. She was breathing heavily. 

"Thats enough" I looked up and saw Dipper with his arms crossed. Mabel looked at him "Why? He deserves much more!" She argued. "I said that's enough" Dipper said more stern this time. Mabel chuckled "Stop huh? Don't be such a killjoy" She said to him, Dipper rolled his eyes. He hated that nickname. She took off a sword from the wall.  "Its his fault" She said caressing the blade "Stop? I'll show you!" She turned to me and then drove the sword through my back. It pierced out my stomach and jabbed into the floor beneath me.  I sat there, unable to move.  It hurt so bad.  Tears dripped onto the floor, I was quietly crying, it was like I was a pouring storm of tears.

Dipper walked up to Mabel he looked aggravated. He held up his hand then growled "I said ENOUGH!" And then he slapped Mabel to the ground. She looked up at Dipper, a red hand mark forming on her cheek. I was surprised, Dipper loved his sister with everything he had, even if they argued, and he hit her? For me?

"You care.. About him... More than me?" She asked quietly.  She stood up and added. "You love the selfish brat? Our servant? Our SLAVE?" I was scared, she was going to hurt Dipper. More than he hurt her. I had to do something. 

I slide the sword out, even though it was painful, I did it without making and sound. I put it down and stood up.  Mabel walked toward Dipper, her fists gripped so hard you saw her veins.  "You can't care about him Mason!" She screamed.  "You love me!" She went in to punch him but I jumped and tackled her.

We both fell and I rolled off her, feeling excruciating pain in my stomach.  Dipper walked over to Mabel, "Go calm down. I won't ask again" then he helped me up, and without letting go of my hand, Dipper led me to his study.

Once we were there he instructed me to sit down, so I did.  "T-thank you..." I said quietly but he interrupted me. "Don't thank me, you made me hurt my sister, to protect you" He snapped.  "Y-you didn't need to protect me! T-that was y-your choice!" I shot back.  I covered my mouth, I shouldn't have talked back.

Dipper slammed his fist on his desk "I wouldn't have saved you if I didn't care about you" I was stunned. He cares about me.  "W-what?" I asked.  Dipper has never cared about me.  He looked at me, then walked over. He used his magic and made me stand up and look at him.  "Don't think after today you won't be punished.  I will punish you when I please" he said.  "B-but you said you c-cared. W-what do you m-mean?" I asked. He put his hands on my shoulders. "You belong to me remember?" He said. "I can't lose you so soon"

He leaned in to kiss me, and I slightly pulled back but he pulled my head toward him. Right before our lips connected he stopped.  Then he got up and turned away. "You're excused" he said.  I was speechless.  He stopped.  I... Wanted him to kiss me.  But I looked down and walked out of his study, feeling tears come to my eyes.

I avoided Mabel as I went down to the cellar. I just sat there thinking. About Dipper.  He's all I could think about. He saved me. He cares about me. He kissed me.  Yet he will still hurt me? It didn't make sense.  I guess he doesn't care about me as much as his sister. Not even close.

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now