A threat

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Wills POV

Finally Mabel let me stop working, she was obviously still mad and I decided to just not get involved. It was a stupid idea to make a deal I wasn't able to keep.  Sometimes it made me cry by the very thought.

Once I was excused I went down to my room, thinking about what Bill told me to do.  He wanted me to go to our mindscape? I wonder why, and why did he ask me then? My mind was filled with questions.  I knew he would only answer about half of them, so I have to chose carefully.  I sat down against the wall once in my excuse for a room.  I closed my eyes, sending me to mindscape.

I walked inside the mansion and walked around, where was I suppose to meet him?  This place was massive, I could only imagine it would be a miracle to find him.  I sighed, I wanted to be apart of building this place but I didn't get the chance.  At least Bill was good at this otherwise we might show up to a deformed... Something.  The walls were so high up and a big window filled up that empty wall.  It seemed like a place a rich person would live, one with no time and just sat in their room doing work all the time.

"Will!" I turned and saw Bill on one of the banisters of the third floor.  "B-be careful y-you could f-fall!" I cried out to him.  "Oh! That sounds interesting" He stood up on it, then turned and fell.  "Bill!" I screamed and ran toward where he was falling.  He hit the floor with a loud BOOM!  "Bill! B-Bill! Are you o-okay!?" I asked checking to see if he was hurt. Bill got up and laughed "Calm down! This is the mindscape, nothing really happens!" He said through laughs. I hugged him "Y-You scared m-me!" I told him. He just laughed more like a maniac.  I looked around "Why d-did you take D-Dipper here?" I asked.  He looked at me "Well if I'm taking him to the mindscape, why not show him both sides of me? We looked through some of your memories and yeesh! Life looked like a disaster!" He said chuckling. I looked down and my eyes felt damp.  "Hey calm down" he said.

I took a deep breath, might aswell ask more questions.  "S-so.. Why d-did you w-work on this p-place a-after I l-left?" I asked.  He looked at me, then looked away rubbing the back of his neck. "I dunno, this place reminded me of you I guess" he said.  "Anyway, I need to tell you something" He said changing the subject. I was thinking about his answer, it gave me more questions.  It reminded me of him, he missed me?  I broke away from my daze "W-What?" I asked him.  He never had to see me, and he never took the time to visit me, so why does it suddenly matter.  He took a deep breath "I got a bad feeling about your Dipper, Mason right?" he told me.  I looked at him like he was crazy.  "W-what!? Whats wrong w-with h-him?" I asked kind of scared for an answer.  "His magic, its strong.  And its not a good kind, it could take him over! His sister too" He explained.  "You need to give me the source of their powers, so I can get rid of them" he added.  I was only getting more shocked.  They can't be that bad, wouldn't they be corrupted by now? How did Bill even plan to get rid of it? And how would it Affect the twins?

Bill must've read my mind, because he sighed "Calm down, I have all of that covered" he explained.  "O-One last question" I said, he rolled his eyes and gave me a look telling me to ask "H-how am I s-suppose to get their p-powers?" I asked.  He thought for a moment "Figure it out, Mason should be easy but Mabel will be a different story.  You know them better so just find a way, lie if you need too" he said. 

I was still curious why I had to give it to him if all people, I could only expect some mischevious plan from him. Why would he care to protect the Gleeful twins? He killed people left and right like they didn't even feel it.  Bill caught me rambling in my mind, but didn't answer my questions.  "I'll explain another time" he began to wander off around the mansion.  I followed him into the ballroom "Hey, remember when I taught you to ballroom dance?" Bill asked with a smirk.  I nodded and looked down "Y-You always scolded me b-because I m-messed up" he laughed. "That was fun! Lets see if you practiced" he grabbed my hand.  "B-Bill no!" But he already pulled me to him.

We stepped along as I followed his foot pattern. It wasn't as easy as he told me it was. When we were younger I kept tripping over his feet.

I was staring at my feet but Bill tilted my head up "Focus on your partner, not the steps" he told me.  So I just looked at him.  Trying so hard not to glance down at my feet, I tripped and fell back but Bill caught me.  "Pathetic! Its like you learned nothing" he scolded.  I teared up, feeling bad that I was terrible at it.

I remember I asked why we needed to know this, he told me we didn't but Bill liked to do it. It was fun and relaxing when he couldn't kill, and he needed a dance partner. So he taught me to do it so he'd always have someone to calm him down.  Was he stressed?

"H-Hey Bill?" I asked.  "Yeah?" I took a moment to collect my words and asked "Y-you have Dipper, w-why do you still n-need me for t-this? A-and is s-something wrong?" He just scoffed. "I'm fine, and Pine tree is sleeping, and you're here so why not-" He cut himself off and looked away from me.  We both stopped dancing.  "You should get back" he told me, then looked and gave me a smile with a hint of insanity.  I nodded, then started to walk back. I looked back and Bill and waved, then went back to reality.

Okay sorry there was no Willdip! This was mostly just a brother bonding moment, along with something to let me keep the story going.  I want there to be a real plot to this besides smut- okay thanks :3

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