Fall and Drown

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I'm going down. And I can't stop. The water fills my lungs. Its over. I'm forever stuck, endlessly drowning.

Wills POV

I was in the ballroom, looking around for an exit. The people confused me on where I was, and I felt nervous.  I felt the walls were closing in, and people were getting closer.

I started to shake, trying to find Pacifica or Gideon, or even better. An exit. I stopped, I felt I was in the middle. Like everyone was staring at me. I needed to get out before Mason found me, and get rid of this feeling.  Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder "Calm down, you look like you're gonna freeze" a familiar voice said. I turned around to see Mabel, with a hand on her hip. "M-Mistress!" I yelped, bowing quickly to her. "Oh, get up" she said rolling her eyes.

I got up, looking at her nervously. I felt myself start to sweat.  "Look, I need to talk with you, outside" she said pointing behind her at a exit in the distance. "U-Um.. Okay" I said, afraid to refuse, but not knowing what was more unsafe.  Nothing was a good decision with her around.

Mabel grabbed my arm and led me through the crowd, to the exit and out. I noticed people stare at us, as she dragged me. Some people whispered to someone next to them, I could only hope it wasn't bad critical remarks.

She led me out and through the hallway, letting go of my arm "Follow" she instructed. I followed behind her, politely and quietly. "So, I knew Mason wouldn't let me do this, but you would understand" she said. I cocked my head to the side, in confusion. This couldn't be good. "Wh-What is it..?" I asked quietly.  "I need to borrow your magic. Of course, Ill give it back. I just want to do a trick at the end of the party that requires it" she explained. I suppose that made sense. It couldn't hurt.. She couldn't get away with taking them, right? "U-Um.. Okay.. I-I guess as l-long as I-I get them back.." I said hesitantly. "Great! We'll go to the lake, and do it there. I have just the spell for it" she said. I was hesitant to keep following her. What if this was some sort of trap?

She got outside as I continued to follow her, I noticed some guys eyeing her, and even some girls.  But she ignored them and continued to drag me into the woods towards the lake. Soon enough we arrived. She stood on the docks. "This should work perfectly" she said.

It was dark, I was scared. I haven't been outside in so long. I looked around and just stared, it was rather pretty though it was so dark.  "Alright, give me your hand" she instructed. I did, and she put her amulet in my hand, and placed her hand on top of mine.

She started to chant a spell, I recognized it and this would transfer my magic. I felt weaker and weaker by the second, my knees got weak, and I started to fall. Eventually she stopped, and I fell onto the ground. "M-Mistress.. Y-You took a-a lot.  Wh-When will I-I get them back...?" I asked weakly. She looked at the amulet, and smirked. "Oh, you won't be needing these back" she said.

Then she snapped "Girls" she said. I looked behind me, to see her friends Candy and Grenda. Grenda picked me up, and held me above the water, by my neck. I struggled to get free. What was going on!? "I can't be having you ruin this party. So, lets see if you know how to swim. Hold your breath!" she said laughing. "Your life depends on it" And with that, Grenda threw me into the lake, to slowly sink down into the dark lake bottom, only hearing the echoing and fading cackling above. All I could think, is how I could never say goodbye.

Masons POV

I was spending the whole night endlessly looking for Will.  I went around the ballroom, and even asked people if they had seen him. I was walking through the hallways, looking for him. Did he run off? I had to find him before the dance.  There was no way I would dance with a girl here, not tonight. I looked fine, but inside I was shaking and panicking.  Where are you Will?

While searching I noticed Mabel walking through the hall, a smirk plastered on her face.  I looked at her "The dance is soon, did you chose a girl?" She asked, with a confident tone. "No- give me more time" I told her. "Mason, we're on a schedule, hurry up. Face it, He's gone" she said rolling her eyes in annoyance. Gone? What does she mean gone? "What do you mean?" I asked. "He's not here. So hurry" she said, and with that she walked away.

Something isn't right. Was she looking for him too? Of course not, so how did she know he wasn't here? She just left me with all these unanswered questions.  I didn't give up, I kept walking through the hallways in an endless search for my boyfriend. No luck.

Eventually I had to head back. I sighed and started to walk back, my face emotionless and could care less but I was heartbroken. Surely he would have come back by now? All I wanted was to have a dance with him. Where I could be myself. What even am I? I'm a murderer.. A serial killer from how many people I've killed and no one even caught on. And I never even cared? I couldn't believe it.

I walked into the room, Mabel looking over and smirking a bit. We would have Will give one of us the microphone, I looked over hoping to see the blue demon but still. No one was there.  Mabel held the microphone and walked to the middle "Everyone clear up and get to the side. It is time for the annual twin dance. Where me and my dear brother" she cleared her throat, and shot me a look. I walked over and stood beside her.  "We both chose someone to dance with, good luck on being chosen" she said, then she turned off the microphone and threw it, in which all the fans fought to get.

I looked across everyone. No tall blue demon. Where are you Will? I walked slowly to chose my partner. Mabel walked over to me, whispering in my ear "Just chose Pacifica or something. She's got a huge crush on you anyway, you might like her much more than that slave" she said rolling her eyes. No, theres nothing any better than my sweet boy.  He's the only one perfect for me.

Mabel went and of course, chose her hopeless love Gideon. She should know better than to like him, but she does anyway. I sighed and held my hand out to Pacifca. Her face blushed red, and she hesitantly took it. I led her into the middle. The music played and we began to dance. Its obvious my partner had no idea how to ballroom, dance, she was much more energetic and just wanted to do some type of random pop dance. I managed to keep it slow and restrain her from going ahead. I felt as if I was betraying Will with everything I had. I felt terrible. I was constantly glancing over Pacificas shoulder to see if he was there or not. Still, nowhere to be found. What if he never comes back? Well- Pacifica is his friend, maybe she's seen him?

I looked at her "Um, Pacifca, may I ask you a question?" Trying to hide my desperation. "O-Of course! Anything" she quickly responded. Good, quick responses, I need this. "You're a friend of William, have you seen him? He just dissapeared" I said as if I was slightly mad he ran off. No, I was terrified. "O-Oh! Um.. Well, I think I saw him with Mabel, she was leading him down the hall I think- outside?" she said trying to remember. "When? Where?" I asked. She was a bit confused "Maybe half an hour ago? An hour? I don't know where" she said quickly, a little scared. What did Mabel do to him?

The song ended, and we stopped, I bowed and kissed her hand quickly "Thank you Pacifica" I told her. Then I quickly ran off to go find Mabel, leaving the girl in slight shock.

You're too late Mason. It's too late.

Okay- that gave me the ability to make a new cover for the story. Or use an old drawing I just really wanted to use- but I also already planned for this so hmp-

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now