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Wills POV

I lied. I lied to him about having it. Dipper frowned and gave me a look, like he was unconvinced but gestured me to follow him and walked upstairs. I followed him, trying my best to walk normally. Of course, I didn't do a great job and almost fell backwards.

Mabel was pacing back and forth in anger, she was looking everywhere for Dippers amulet. She walked over to me and grabbed my shirt, pulling me down to her level "Where is it?" She snapped. I felt fear rise up in me "I-I don't k-know!" I cried, just wanting her to let go. "Someone must have it!" She yelled pushing me back and against the wall "Mabel calm down" Dipper said but she was enraged.  She looked like she would kill anything in sight within seconds.  I didn't know the amulet was so important to them.  "Slave, go check in the kitchen for it" Dipper said.

Slave? I didn't know Dipper Would still call me that.  I didn't argue. I immediantly went to the kitchen, just wanting to be away from Mabel.  I went in there and felt my breathing get faster, if they knew I actually had it, I would be locked in his cage for all eternity.  Even then, it could be something way worse than I could ever imagine.  If I didn't hurry and get this to Bill, they would surely figure it out and I would be a goner.  I just have to play a part until I get it out of my hands.  But who knows how long that would take..

I looked in all places I would have if I didn't have it. Every cupboard and counter, everywhere.  Once I believed I explored enough to seem convincing I walked back into the room. Mabel was laughing at her brother, they didn't see me walk in. "You seriously don't want to? Stop being such a-" "Don't say it" Dipper warned "Killjoy!" He gripped his fists.  I walked up to them "I-It wasnt in t-the kitchen M-Master and M-Mistress" I said, hoping I didn't interrupt. "Well, without my amulet, we can't perform in the next few days. We'll just have to cancel" Dipper said sitting down.  He gestured for me to come sit next to him, and I did.  "You're g-giving up so s-soon?" I asked him.  He just shrugged "We aren't canceling, we never have before and were not starting now. And maybe my dear Giddeon will be there this time!" Mabel said, starry eyed at the thought.  "You shouldn't trust him, he's suspicious and might be trying to prove something" Dipper said motioning for me to get him the Journal.

I walked over to the coffee table and retrieved the second journal, the only one we had. "Oh and Miss Southeast isn't?" Mabel argued "She's only interested in adventures, nothing suspicious" he replied.  She rolled her eyes "She totally likes you! She blushed when you simply grabbed her hand!" I felt a rush of jealousy rise through me, from hearing that and handed Dipper the journal. 

"Why would you even trust her? Do you like her back?" Mabel pressured.  I felt more jealous by the second, I Couldn't stand the thought of him liking anyone but me, he loves me doesn't he?  Dipper looked at me "Of course I love you" he said, telling me he read my mind.  I blushed when he said that and looked away.  "No, I don't like her. She's just in possesion of the Journal we need" Dipper stated obviously.  "Let's focus on the task at hand, finding my amulet" he added opening the journal.  "Killjoy-" Mabel mumbled.  "Don't call me that" he said, not looking up from the journals old pages. 

Mabel got annoyed at that "Killjoy! Killjoy! Killjoy!" She repeated mockingly, not caring if it made Dipper mad.  He snapped his fingers and Mabel stopped.  It didn't do anything, since he didnt have his amulet but at least she kept quiet.  "I told you once, I wont tell you again" Dipper said sternly, and slammed the journal shut.  He started to walk out of the room, grabbing my bowtie, pulling me along with him.

He led me down to the cellar and threw me against the wall, trapping me with his own body. "M-Master?" I asked but he didn't let me continue.  "If I didn't love you so much, Mabel wouldn't be mad at me so often. I can't let it slide" he said, caressing his hand on my chest. "W-What do y-you mean?" I asked, but of course he didn't answer. He grabbed a knife from the wall and dragged it down my arm.  I winced out in pain, was he mad at me? Was this my fault?  He then sliced it width ways on the same arm.  The blood quickly poured out and soaked my sleeve.  I began to cry as the pain began to sink into me.

Dipper looked at the knife, then licked off my blood.  He looked up at me with lustful eyes, then instead of unbuttoning, he cut through the shirt, revealing my pale chest.  It still had some cuts and the heart in the middle, now with a light knife mark across it that was barely bleeding.  He put his head on my chest, like he was tired.  I felt him drag the knife up my thigh, and I let out a small cry in pain.  "P-Please stop..." I whimpered, he picked his head up and smirked "I like it when you beg, do it again, Pet" I lightly blushed, but also felt fear rise up in me.  I did as I was told "P-Please... D-Don't hurt m-me..." I said through tears.  He wrapped his arms around my neck, then pulled me into a kiss. It was sweet, and warm, but it didn't feel right. I could barely believe Dipper was so good at it, he almost seemed desperate.  He moved one hand up my neck and to my cheek, pushing his body against mine.  I felt the other hand, still gripping the knife, harshly slide across the back of my neck.

He pulled his head away from me, as I began to start sobbing.  "Say you love me" he demanded, with a deep voice.  "M-Master-" "Say it" he said again.  He moved the knife, from the back of my neck to the collar bone in one slice.  I cried out in pain once more and shut my eyes tight.  "I-I love y-you Dipper" I managed to say.  "Mason" he corrected "Call me my name, only when I allow, otherwise, don't speak" he whispered. Then pulled my head in for another kiss.

I kissed back, despite the fact that I was sobbing in pain and he was cutting me at the same time.  His other hand moved all over my body in desperation.  He slipped his tounge into my mouth, and I wrapped an arm around his waist, the other hit against the wall for support.  Dipper still pushed me up against it, despite my efforts.  He dragged his finger down my chest, ripping the rest of my dress shirt and revealing my bare skin.  He placed his cold hand on my back, under the shirt.  Then shoved the knife right between my rib cage.  I broke the kiss and screamed in pain.  Dipper looked at me and brushed my hair back "Yes.. Scream in pain for me..." he said with lust.  I was already scared, and that made it slightly worse. I didn't know Dipper could even care for anything besides his sister and occasionally me. Now he was just confessing to me.  He didn't even like it much to kill for fun, and now he seemed to be the only one doing it. The knife finally dropped onto the floor, after several more cuts on my pale skin.  He kissed me deeply once more, after a few minutes he let me go.  I dropped down to the floor, and cried harder.  He grabbed my hair and lifted my head to look up at him "Cry useless demon. Its all you're good for" then he let my hair go, and walked upstairs, leaving me in a sobbing bloody mess.

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now