It was all my fault

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Wills POV

I was frozen. I didnt know what to do or think in that moment.  I was shaking and going to cry, slowly covering my mouth. Masons eyes widened, and Bill was frozen too. Then Bill ran over to the side of his lover and held him. "No! Dipper don't leave me! Don't do this!" He cried.  "You can't leave me!". He buried his face into the teenagers chest, and cried. Something I never thought he could even do. 

I was going to say something. Do something. Anything to make this all go away. But no matter what I said. No matter what I planned to do. I know I had completely lost the trust of my brother, and probably my lover too.  I just stared at the corpse. I couldnt move. I couldnt begin to believe that I had actually killed someone. What was wrong with me!?  I started to step back, away from everyone. I needed to run away, to go somewhere I can hide forever. I couldn't erase What I'd done, and it would be a miracle if either me and my brother had enough magic to bring him back to life. Especially dying In a different dimension, his soul could be completely gone..

Mason looked at me "Will.." I returned his gaze, but not in the same way. "I-I didnt m-mean too.." I started. "It wasnt your-" "Get lost!" Bill screamed, interrupting Mason.  "Get out of here! Run away like the coward you are, and never come back! I don't ever want to see you again! I hate you!" Everything seemed to shatter within me.  "And mark my words, if I see you again I'll kill you myself!" I shook at his words, flinching at every threat. 

"Will don't listen to him, its okay, it was an accident" Mason tried to tell me. I just stared at him, with disbelief. "Wh-What about this i-is okay!? He's d-dead!" I cried.  "And? You didn't know that would happen, and you weren't in the right mind. You wouldn't have done it, you were going to stop. Calm down" I didn't listen, I shook my head. Slowly backing away some more.  I couldn't be here. Not now. Out of fear, I teleported wherever my magic took me.  Which turned out to be the manor.

Masons POV

As I watched William teleport away, something inside me snapped.  It wasnt his fault he was terrified. Maybe something took him over, we are in a nightmare realm. I remember Dipper telling me about Bills, 'Henchmaniacs' so surely one of them did something.

I looked at Bill hovering over his lover, but he wasnt crying anymore, he was just staring at him.  I growled, and then punched him, making him drop Dipper and falling back. "Look what you did! If anything, this is all because of you!" I hissed. Bill looked hurt and shot back "He's the one who killed him!" "Because you drove him insane!" "You're his imprisoner and abuser, you're the one that drove him Insane!" "He was mad at you!"

Bill growled. "Well, what am I suppose to do? Apologize for him killing my boyfriend!?". I clutched my fists "Look, all I ask, is that you never bother William again. And get me back to my own dimension" I said, not wishing to waste my time on a dumb dorito.  "Its not like I can, I don't have powers anymore" he pointed out. "Well find a way!"

Wills POV

I curled up into a ball, shivering and crying. I tried to forget all I had done, all the chaos I've caused. And what's worse, Ive probably lost the love of my life, my brother, and even a friend.  I couldnt help but imagine what it would be like if I did it on purpose. Probably no better.  My tears ran down my cheeks, wishing I could erase time. But I dont think I would ever have the strength to do that. Especially in my condition.

I heard soft foodsteps approaching me. But it wasnt Mabels heels on the hard floor.  Soon I saw a familiar male face. Mason knelt down in front of me. I covered my face, looking away. I didn't want him to see me crying, or even see how hopeless I felt.  But he didn't seem to care, he pulled me into a hug quickly, holding me close. I was a bit surprised, but hugged him back, though I hesitated.  Then I heard his soft voice, which cracked a bit from him.. Crying?

"Please don't leave like that.. You scare me a lot, you know?" No, I didnt know.  I didnt think he cared enough to be worried about me.  "When I was captured by Bill. The only thing I was thinking was 'Please let my William be okay" he added. I couldn't believe what he was saying. Yell, be angry, do something to show your anger! Instead he just pulled me closer, his small tears dripping onto my shoulder. I managed to say something "I-Im really s-sorry..." My voice was untoned and high. But he didnt mind. "Don't even apologize, nothing was your fault. It was all your brother. I should be sorry I didn't do anything about it" he said.  "Th-Theres nothing y-you could have d-done.."

Instead of replying with a witty excuse, or something to prove me wrong, he just sighed. And we both stayed there for a long time. Sitting in each others arms.

At least I still have someone.  Someone to fix all that shattered.

Boom! I posted twice in less than a week! You proud of me? You betta be- anyway. Expect a new chapter soon! Also I didn't proofread this time- Love ya, byeee~

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