Deal out of a Deal

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Wills POV

Bill was giving me a happy face. One that made me shift uncomfortably.  "Cheat a deal?" Dipper asked still confused by the sudden reunion.  Bill looked at him "What I do Pine tree, find a way around it" he said sweetly. Dipper nodded. "What deal is it?" Dipper asked me. They both looked at me Bill was thinking the same thing I took a breath.  "M-Mistress didn't like me a-around Dipper..." I corrected myself "M-my Dipper, Mason" I saw Dippers eyes widen, and his face turn pink "S-so I made a deal to s-stay away f-from him" I said.  Bill looked at me funny "Well that's great! One less Gleeful to abuse you!" Dippers eyes got wide "Abused?" He asked.  This kid was full of questions, I didn't like it. "Yeah! Show him Will" Bill said excidely. I trembled in position, I didn't want to show Dipper. But I couldn't argue with my brother, so I lifted up my shirt revealing the multiple stabs in my abdomen.  Then the occasional burn marks and cuts.

Dippers eyes got wide and I looked down to see what he saw. It looked really bad, I would be terrified and worried seeing that for the first time. "Man what did they do to you last time? Throw you in a fire pit of sharks?" Bill asked with a chuckle. "M-Mistress... Set me on fire" I said quietly looking to my left and putting my shirt down.

I knew I was wasting time, they could call me and I wouldn't be able to bring them with me unless they agreed.  "P-please Bill! Just h-help me!" I said with tears in my eyes.  He tapped his chin thinking about it.  "Lets make a deal, I don't do anything for free" "Bill he's your brother!" Dipper argued. "Shh" Bill let out a finger to Dipper.  "W-what deal?" I asked.  "Ah! I'm so glad you asked, I'll but help you as long as I get to meet your Dipper!" It didn't seem to bad, but then again this was my brother. A demon who took his title like he was king. But I nodded. Then we shook on it the fire was half blue half yellow.  "N-now we n-need to get out o-of here, they'll c-call for me" I said.  Bill looked at his Dipper "Alright sweetie, buckle up. We're going to Reverse Falls!" he said ecstatic.  Dipper just cocked his head to the side.

We all closed our eyes and a blinding light hit my vision. Once I could see, we were down in the cellar where I fell asleep and Bill and Dipper stood in front of me. I quickly got up as the two looked around the place "Man, at least my room has a bed" Bill said looking at the wall that had knives thrown into it. "This is all your blood?" Dipper asked looking at the floor with big eyes. I nodded "P-please be quiet, Bill w-what do we h-have to d-do?"

Bill spun his cane, stalling in suspense. But he already knew how.  I wanted to smack the answer out of him, we didn't have time.  "Get me close to who you made the deal with! A deal with them should do the trick" he told me. Getting to Mabel wasn't going to be a walk in the park.  Yes I could go right up to her, but probably not without getting scolded or hurt. And another deal? This could only end in disaster.  I sighed and walked upstairs.  The two followed me.  While we walked I looked at Bills Dipper "W-Welcome to the m-manor" I said. He looked around in awe.

I walked up another flight of stairs and down the hallway, while passing Dippers study I heard a knocking.  I stopped and placed my ear on the door.  Dipper was hitting his knuckles on the wall and taking his hand back, or and over.  He must be at a loss.  It made me want to cry.  "Who's that?" Bill asked. I jumped and covered his mouth. "D-Dipper, my D-Dipper" I whispered. 

I heard footsteps coming towards the door, before I could run I felt a giant force throw me back against the wall hard.  Dipper ran over to me and Bill looked astonished.  "What was that?" Dipper asked making sure I was okay. I grunted "The d-deal p-prevents me from g-getting too c-close, he must have w-walked towards the d-door" I explained rubbing my back.

Bill laughed "Sign me up for this deal! I'd love to get tortured every time I tried to have sex with Dipp-"  Dipper had ran over and covered Bills mouth but quickly pulled it back wiping his hand on his jacket "Bill that's gross!" He said but Bill just smirked.  I shushed them both, then grabbed their wrists starting to run to Mable and Dippers room.

Once there I looked at them "D-Don't c-come in until I t-tell you two" then I knocked on the door. "M-Mistress Mabel? M-May I speak w-with you?" I heard a sigh from the other side then a reply "Come in" I put a hand to the two boys and walked in.  "What do you want?" She asked not looking up from her phone.  I guessed she was texting her friends, she probably planned to go out without saying a word.

"I-I was w-wondering a-about the deal.." I began.  She stopped me "I'm not breaking that! You will stay away from Mason" She said standing up and pointing at me. I flinched and said "P-Please let m-me try-" before I could finish Bill walked in and looked at Mabel.  "Oh wow Shooting star! Look at you! I thought maybe you'd be the same but you look way different" he said.  She looked back and forth and me and Bill. We looked almost the same besides the colors and emotions. His was smirking, I was on the verge of tears.

"Slave, who's that?" She asked growling.  I gestured to Bill and tried my best not to cry "M-Mistress, this is m-my brother B-Bill" Bill tipped his hat, which turned the entire room.  "Its a pleasure!" His Dipper peeked in through the door.  "Mason?" Mabel asked. He looked at her with eyes wide.  He knew it wasn't his sister but he was still surprised and a little intimidated.  "What happened to you?" She asked.  "I-I'm-" "Don't worry shooting star, he's from my world" Bill interrupted. I knew Mabel was only getting more confused.

I looked at my brother, signaling him to make a deal with her. He walked up to Mabel and said "Okay, let's get down to business" He cracked his nuckles and said "I heard you hurt my brother and prevented him for being with his true love correct?" Bill asked. I blushed and Mabel said "That useless demon, is not my brothers true love and never will be!" She snapped. I looked down, and saw a tear drip on the floor.  Dipper patted my back, it made me feel a little better but it wasn't like my Dippers sympathy.  Bill just rolled his eyes "Don't decide Pine tree's future now, I'll make this simple"

Bill held up Mabel's head with his finger and got real close to her face. I looked over and saw Dippers face get Lightly painted with jealousy.  Bill said in a deep dark voice that was disoriented "Break the deal with Will, and in return I won't rip you to shreads for all you've done to him" His eye turning red and his smile spreading across his face.

Mabel was terrified now, but held her stance "He thought of it! And he belongs to me, he has to obey me!" Bill clicked his tounge changing his voice but was still intimidating nonetheless.  "My brother didn't realise this but he technically doesn't have to obey you unless given permission, by the person he currently holds a deal with. And he shook hands with Dipper the first day"  Bill said with a smirk.  "And if I recall, Will said Dipper, or Mason, didn't want you to make the deal". I was astonished at what Bill was doing, I didn't think he cared enough to actually kill her if she didn't make the deal. He never actually did that.  Bill just kills someone on the spot, he's giving her an opportunity to live.  And the worst part is, I didn't know if he was serious.  He doesn't even care about me, he loves it when I get abused. He claims I'm lucky, he loves pain but has to do it himself.

He extended his hand and blue flames surrounded it "So Shooting star, do we have a deal?" He asked.  She looked terrified, every nerve in her body was going off.  She held up her hand to shake his, and Bill let off a crazy smile to seem more intimidating and murderous.

"Fine!" She yelled and shook Bills hand. His red eyes changed back to normal and he looked at me "See? You could have easily done that" he told me.  "I-I don't k-kill" Bill rolled his eyes and walked to Dipper wrapping his arm around the teens shoulder.  "Don't forget Will, you still have to pursue your part of the deal" I did almost forget, the deal between me and her was broken which meant I could be with Dipper.  My eyes got wide, and I smiled with tears dripping off my cheeks.  I hugged Bill as I cried happy tears, not caring what Mable did later "T-Thank you"

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now