The Solution

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Masons POV

He wasn't breathing.  His whole body was frozen cold.  He was dead.  "Dipper.. Hurry up..." I said, my lip trembling and barely able to let the words out.  "There's nothing about transfering magic! I don't know what to do" He said in panic.  "I'm sorry, I dont know what to do!"

I buried my face in Wills chest, sobbing harder "Will..." I whispered, my lungs having no life in them. No vibration to make any more sounds, except the soft whimpers and cries.  "T-There has to be something we can do, Mason, what did you do to take Wills powers in the first place?" Dipper asked me.  I looked up, a red ring around my eyes. I tried to think, it was so long ago. "I..." I let out my hand "Give me the book" I said.  Dipper jumped a little bit and handed me the 2nd Journal.  "Its here.." Quickly. I went through the pages, almost ripping them.  I was desperate to get Will back.  Finally I got to the summoning page, I looked through it, scanning the jumbled letters for anything.  "Its gotta be here..." I said to myself, desperate. 

Dipper sat next to Will, carefully laying his body on the floor.  "You'll be okay Will" he said softly and placed a hand on his arm.  Dipper hadn't known Will very well, but they had become fast friends. If they had become any closer, I might have to get Dipper away from my love.  He cant forget that Will belongs to me.

But that didnt matter right now, I needed to help Will.  I kept scanning the page, "Its here... Its here..." my voice only breaking more.  Finally, I saw it.  "I got it!" Dipper shot his head up, and came over to me. I pointed to a point on the page "This is how we took his powers away, there was his ritual circle, um uh..." I could barely think enough to remember what happened.  "Mason, calm down and think. You need to be patient or we'll never get him back" "I can't be patient, Will is dead and I have to get him back, now!" I snapped. Dipper scooted back, a bit afraid by my sudden out burst.  I took a deep breath "Look, Im sorry I just can't-" "I get it, we're going through the same thing... But you can bring Will back, if you calm down. Tell me what you did, and we can fix this" I wiped my tears away, or tried my best too.  My eyes were already sore, they werent use to crying.  "What if it doesnt work? What if... What if it kills one of us too?" I asked.  "Mason, thats not going to happen" Dipper said to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I flinched, but instead of smacking his hand away, I let him.  He smiled "I promise, it'll work" I knew he wasnt sure if it actually would, but we didn't have many other options.  "Okay um.. Me and Mabel sat on the ritual circle.  I was in front of Will, who was in the middle, and Mabel was behind him.  We put both hands, on each shoulder. Then we... Chanted, that, and... It took away his powers, he screamed so loud.. And he cried... After we finished chanting there was a bright light.. We took our hands away and there was a blue amulet in our hands. One for each of us" I explained, very slowly so I wouldn't forget anything.  Dipper nodded, "Maybe if we do the same thing, and say that spell backwards?" Dipper suggested.  "I mean, its logical"  I grabbed Dippers shoulders "I'll try anything, just please help him"

I got chalk that I kept in my study, then I drew Wills ritual circle on the floor carefully. Then Dipper dragged Will into the center.  "Wait, we need your sister" He said.  Right, we needed Mabel. But she wasnt back yet, I walked over to the window and looked out of it. The magic was almost cleared, she should be back by now.  "I can look for her, Im sure she's here" Before I could object, Dipper had left to go look for Mabel.

I sighed and sat down on a chair, lost in thought.  All I wanted to do was sink into Wills arms. I wanted to shower him with kisses, and be kissed in return by his soft lips.  I wanted to feel his warm body against mine, I wanted to whisper into his ear.  I just wanted to hold his fragile self.  And let him cry into my shoulder.  For once, I didnt want to hurt him.  He didn't deserve all that I've done to him. I know what I need to do when he comes back.  So he can be happy.  Even though I said I loved him, I hurt him so much. He's probably more scared of everything now, than he was before we met.  (You so sure about that?) I yelled out and slammed my fist into the wall. Indenting it.  "I'm such an idiot!" I cried, and did it again with my other fist.  "How could I do this to him!?" I repeated my actions a third time.  My knuckles began to faintly bleed.  I slid down the wall and hit my head on it, a bit softer.  Now, the one man I love, is dead. Because of me, its all my fault! I couldn't save him, then and there, I was to weak and helpless.  I finally understand how he feels, how he cant ever do anything to help himself. Because I chained him to me and my home, and he could never escape.

I heard the door creak open, and I shot my head over to it.  Dipper ran in, rather quickly.  Then after him, Mabel walked in swinging her whip.  "Your sister is crazy!" Dipper yelped, running over to me, as if I was any safer.  "Well of course, she's a Gleeful" I said, gesturing to Mabel.  She put a hand on her hip "What's that suppose to mean?" She asked mockingly. "Nothing your small brain would understand" I said casually, standing up. She gripped her fists "Why did you send another puppet to find me?" She asked, letting the remarks slide. I walked over to her, clasping my hands together, then stared her down with a cold, hard glare. "Because we need to bring William back to life"

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now