Where were you then?

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Masons POV

I dashed across the ballroom to my sister, who was still holding on tightly to her 'beloved' Gideon. Gideon was doing his best to get away, sweating and in panic on how to get out of her impossible tight grasp.  I walked over to her in a speed walk, eager to get an answer. Really I just wanted to strangle her and yell to let my William go. However, I kept my posture, and walked over with my emotionless but serious expression. "Dear sister" I said. She looked over at me, slowly releasing her grip on Gideon.

I looked at the boy for a moment then continued, "I need to speak with you, alone" I said sternly, trying not to grip my fists and just drag her out of the room.  She rolled her eyes, kissed Gideons cheek and said "I'll be back soon love~ wait here!" Then she looked at me and followed me out. I walked into the hallway, then turned to her. My expression was mixed with desperation and rage. What did she do? She could have done anything.

"Well? What is it?" She asked impatiently, putting a hand on her hip.  I gripped my fists "What did you do to him?" I asked. "Who? What do you mean?" She asked me, as if she didn't know. She looked shocked of me accusing her for anything. "William, where is my William?" I asked again, my voice more cold and stern.  She smirked "Didn't find him in time now did you?" She said coldly, to match my tone.  "What did you do to him!?" I asked, my voice suddenly rose and I stepped closer. I looked to her head which was glowing blue slightly. I grabbed the amulet, looking at her with immense rage.

She smirked once more, it was as If she towered over me.  "I'll tell you this. You better find him soon, his life depends on it" And with that, and a puff of smoke, she was gone, along with the amulet. I needed that amulet. if she had it that had to mean, she took his powers! I ran into the ballroom, looking in every direction to find her. I couldn't save him until I got it back, I knew it. I saw a brunette walking towards the center.

She held a microphone, and everyone gave her room. She spoke "Now everyone, the party is almost over as you know. Feel free to stay a bit longer, but I want to excuse you with a exclusive trick, from our next show" she said. I heard people murmur a bit, some excited and some confused. "Enjoy"

She held up her hand, which held the amulet and it glowed blue. Everyone in the room started to float upwards. I knew what she was doing, we had planned to do something like this as a grand finale. Though- it wasn't like anyone would applaud afterward. I began to panic. I was floating too, I looked around, then kicked the wall to go over to Mabel.

I kicked it harder than I had expected, I guess all that abusing paid off... I flew right into her, pushing her to the ground. The spell she was casting stopped and everyone fell down to the floor, with many screams. Mabel growled "How dare you! Get off me!" She screeched. "Give me the amulet!" she held it close to her "Get off!" It glowed once more in her attempt to get me off, but I grabbed onto her wrist.

I tried to pry the amulet from her hands. "You Care about our slave more than your own sister!?" She asked. I looked at her, my eyes could have been flaring with anger. I growled "Yes. Why would I ever care about you, when you tried to kill my boyfriend, take all the credit, and most importantly, only care about yourself!" And then I swung forward kicking her and making he release the amulet. She fell, and I tumbled onto the ground.

I can't waste anymore time. He's in trouble. I stood up, and faced the amulet towards Mabel "Where is he!?" I yelled. "I will punish you the same way we punished him. Tell me where he is!" Everyone murmured as to hearing what I said. She growled and looked away. "He's at the lake"


My feet stomped fast and loudly on the grass beneath. As I ran through the forest, the moon the only thing to give me light. Many branches ripped through my clothing and gave me small scratches, none that I had noticed. I pushed aside the small stings, I'm coming. I have to hurry!

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now