A Pact of Two Brothers

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Wills POV

With each passing second, I could feel my skin becoming more pale, the blood draining. I shut my eyes tight, trying not to feel the pain but it seemed impossible, I let out a muffled scream through my teeth. It felt like I had been stabbed over and over, and the wound had salt within it, once stabbed it burned my skin like when I was on fire. I couldnt grip my hands, I couldn't open my eyes, I wanted to hold my stomach but I couldn't. All I could do is lay there and cry, as I slowly turn human and die. My corpse will rot away like any other person, I won't get to see my brother.

I felt warm fingers intertwining with mine, even though I wanted to grasp them, I wanted to desperately hug him and keep him close, I couldn't move to do it. My vision was light, the whole room seemed white and I couldn't look through it. My strength, seemed to return enough for me to get up. I opened my eyes, sitting up, and looking around in confusion. This place wasnt familiar.

I turned and saw a young man, dressed in yellow and black. Twirling a cane like it was his pride. "B-Bill?" I asked, he turned his head to me "Ah baby brother! What are you doing here so soon?" He asked, rather happily, seeming that he just died. "U-Um... w-where am I?" I asked, a bit confused. "The nightmare realm, of course, you didn't know?" I looked at Bill and shook my head. "L-Last thing I r-remember was m-me dying..." I said quietly. Bill tapped his chin as if he was lost in thought "Oh right! My sweet heart used the amulets to defeat me, I swear he used all of the power, all of your powers" Bill stopped for a moment and let out a mocking laugh "Looks like you've got nothing left!" I looked down and watched tears hit the floor and slowly dissolve away.

Everything inside me seemed to crack and break.  I covered my eyes and sobbed, while Bill just smiled at my pain.  "How c-c-could y-you!?" I yelled, barely able to keep up with my own words.  Bill turned his head to the side "What do you mean? This wasn't my fault" He defended.  "You w-wanted m-me d-d-dead! You l-lied to m-m-me again! I hate y-you Bill! I h-h-hate y-you!" I screamed, turning my head up at him.  "You w-were g-going to k-k-kill me! How m-much do y-you need to kill to b-be satisfied!? H-How does i-it feel that y-y-your brother is d-dead because of you!? I-It would be s-s-such a shame i-if Dipper d-died too n-n-now would it!?" I began to walk towards him, this was all a dream. It wasnt real.  Bills expression turned "Will what are you saying? You really think saying those nothings will scare me? You're dead and so am I, you can't hurt me or anyone else" he said, but slowly starting to back away from me.  My eye began to glow, energy surged through my body, I felt different, as if I was being taken over.  "Th-Thats where you're w-wrong, you t-took everything f-from me since w-were kids" My voice got slowly distorted and my hands became engulfed in blue flames.  I grabbed his shirt, "Now I swear, I will find a way to get back. And when I do, I'm taking everything away from you" Bill looked more frightened than I had ever seen him. I didnt think it was even possible for him to feel fear.  But here he was, he was scared of me.  "I'm not your brother, I'm your enemy.  And I'll be the one, that wins the battle.  The fight isnt over yet, its just begun" I threw him down, tears still spilling out of my eyes.  Rage, it seemed to burst in my veigns.  Something in me finally, snapped. 

Bill scrambled back "William stop!" He said, trying to snap me back to reality.  It was too late to save me now "This isn't you! Please, stop this!" He cried.  He seemed desperate for me to back down and be the pathetic, crybaby I always have been so he can be on top again? I will never give him it back.  The old me back, the vulnerable me that was too afraid to do anything.  "Y-You really th-think you c-can help me? I-I-Im already b-broken, and i-i-its all your f-f-fault! N-Now I'm g-going to break you!" I screamed.  Bill got to his feet, "No, William don't!" But before I had the chance to do anything worthwhile, my entire vision went blurry and black.

Masons POV

I held Wills hand, slowly seeing him become more pale than before, if that was possible "We have to help him, nerd, what do we do?" I asked Dipper sternly.  "Don't call me that! Maybe theres something in the journal-" before I could ask, he pulled a journal out of his jacket and flipped through the pages.  He had the third journal.  I growled "Idiot, that's only useful in your universe" I reached out and got the second one off the table "Try this one" I gave it to him, regretting my decision deep down.  Dipper flipped through the pages of it "Wow, this has so many interesting things! And spells" he said basically fanboying.  He irritated me more by the second "Focus idiot! Wills dying right now!" I snapped, grabbing his hand tighter.  "You dont have to keep calling me names..." Dipper mumbled. I just shot a cold glare at him.

I held William in my arms "You're gonna be okay Will, I promise" I whispered to him, he was so cold.  I held his head into my chest and hugged him tightly.  Suddenly, water fled down my cheeks, I didnt know what was happening. I never cry, only Will does that.  But here I was, crying and holding my love close to me.  My lip trembled and my voice began to break "I promise... I love you, I wont let you go..." I whispered in his ear, beginning to sob.  I cant bear to lose him, I regretted everything I had done to him.  I wished that I never hurt him, he didnt deserve any of it.  I cried into his cold, unresponsive shoulder "I'm so sorry Will... I'm so sorry..."

"I'm sorry too"
"Because I couldn't say goodbye"

Hiii! Sorry I haven't updated in five years.  I'll try to get more chapters out! Okie, byeee!

You don't have a choice (Will x Dipper Gleeful)Where stories live. Discover now