Chapter 15 - Lili's Back Back Tell a Friend

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Mitch's POV

I see someone trapping Lola with their grasp. Lauren stops running suddenly and I second take Lola's situation. That's not just anyone, that's Lili. Lauren and I resume our running to help, but we can't even help; there's not an easy way to get past Lili.

"Hello Mitch," I can feel all the color leave from my face in that exact moment. The scratch of his sandpaper voice is memorized in my mind. Ty and Jason look worriedly at me, also have heard him. Clayton steps out from the shade of the forest, wielding a knife. His wicked smile is complimented by the crazy in his eyes.

"What'd you do to her?" I whisper angrily at him. He plays with the knife in his hands.

"Why don't you ask yourselves that? All I've done is befriend her," Clayton steps forward.

"What do you mean?" Ty asks from behind me. Clayton's eyes go to him but I can still feel his stare.

"Your little voting session happen maybe..20 yards away from we were sitting. All you had to do was walk 60 feet and you could have found her," Lili sends me a glare that I see from the corner of my eye and turns back to Lola. Clayton turns to her and throws the knife to her. Without even takin her gaze off of Lola, she catches it by the handle. From his jacket, Clayton pulls out another knife for himself.

"Why are you making her do this?" Sophia asks. She shows no fear when she walks up to Clayton. Sophia's mere inches away from him.

"Simple. Revenge," he grabs my arms like that one day back in LA and pins my arms behind my back. "Revenge," he whispers again in my ear.

Lauren and Jason try to get closer to help me, but Clayton points the knife at them. With sorry looks, they back away. I don't blame them.

He turns me to look at Lili and Lola. Lili is ever-so-slowly positions the knife of Lola's throat. Shouldn't have done that. Ty charges Lili and as he does that, I swipe my foot under Clayton. He falls and I wriggle out of his grasp. He stands back up and walks up to Lili. She lies on the ground and I don't see the knife. Although, I do see the cut across her arm. It's not bad, though.

"Get away from her!" Lauren half yells. Clayton looks back at us, anger twisted in his face. That look is enough to shut us up and he puts his interest back to Lili.

"I'm sorry this happened to you," apparently his sympathy is only skin deep; his voice is as flat as a board. Lili shakes her head.

"I know for a fact that you used me," she sits up. I notice her fumble for the knife that lay under her. Clayton doesn't seem to notice.

"Why would you ever think that?" He smiles. God, I hate his smile.

"Because you instantly went for Mitch," now it's Lili's turn to smile. Realization hits Clayton and he starts to back away. Lili grabs his arm and pulls him back to his earlier position.

"Feel sorry about this," Clayton stares at her with confusion obvious in his eyes. The confusion is soon changed to pain when Lili shoves her knife into his shoulder. "You did this to yourself," she whispers.

He walks to the forest and looks behind his shoulder to look at us. Mostly Lili and me. "Next time, don't trust a man you meet in a forest. Simple as that."

Perfectly normal moral of a story, right?

I remember something. Lili's still evil. I tell this to Ty by whispering it. He tells me that the way to fix it is simple really. The face he gives me next makes me almost burst out laughing. But, I understand and walk up to Lili. My face burns lightly, but I don't care. I pull her close and lean closer to kiss her. She's stunned at first, but then kisses back.

When we break, everything about her has changed. The atmosphere is suddenly happier, too. Lili hugs me tight.

"Thank you," she whispers.

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