Chapter 36 - Lost Enchantment

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Lauren's POV

Thomas is now a week into his 15 year sentence. Clayton, once again, wasn't caught. The day after Thomas was found, all of us went to visit Eliza. When we went there, the woman we met earlier, I feel quite bad that I don't remember her name, told us that Eliza has crossed over to the other side. It was a sweet moment for all of us to know that we could help someone rest in piece.

"How long have we been in school?" Sophia calls from the opposite side of the little store we occupy. Lili got a job here and we get friend discounts, so we've been in here nonstop. I leave the rack of jackets behind and walk over to Sophia.

"Um.. We have like 3 months left. Why?" I ask her. I notice she has found herself the HouseMD shirts. It's like the beckon her whenever we come here.

"My parents have been texting me every five minutes. They wanted to know when to come get me," Lola walks over with a floral purple backpack.

"They know you can drive right? And that you have to take a plane?" Lola's eye catches the shirts. She grabs one and carries it to another rack.

"They worry that I might sit next to some kind of murderer. Wait until they hear about I've been through here," Sophia rolls her eyes and heads to the check out. Sarah is already there, waiting for us to get the things we want. Lili stands behind the counter. Her boss, Mr. Trek, makes her wear this hideous visor with sparkles, polka dots and stripes going every which way. Whenever he isn't here, she sneaks it off. This time, though, she has it on,

"Ring it up," I set a shirt with the name of the boarding school on it. Actually, I realized that I've never taken note of the name before. Apparently, we go to Lost Enchantment Academy. That's a pretty bizarre name... I make a mental note to ask about the name later and hand Lili the eight bucks for it.

"I'm going on break!" Lili calls to the back room after she finishes ringing us up. A sound of approval answers back. Lili thankfully rips off the visor and throws in behind the counter. "Shall we?" She asks all of us.

"We shall!" Sarah fist pumps the air.

Time Skip

Somehow, everyone, including the guys, end up in our dorm room by 3 pm. Lola, Mitch and Lili are trying to fill us in on what happened a week ago. We hadn't had that's time to talk with all the sudden tests the school is throwing at us.

"Wait, hold on a sec... Lola, why were you on their sides?" Ty stares at his girlfriend suspiciously. Lola squirms a bit in her seat like the topic is hard to explain.

"Well... Mr. Dean had confided with me," she stops for a moment.

"Confided!?" Ty exclaims.

"Not in a bad way exactly. He had told me... He had told me that he needed my help to do something for Mitch and Lili since they had been working so hard in his class. He told me that I needed to get the two to that trap door because that's an easy way to get around campus after curfew. It was all pretty sketchy, but I wanted to help you guys, so I went along with it. That's why I tried to encourage you to jump in. Then they thought I was on their side when I agreed to help... Kill you. But Mitch knows that I was faking," she looks at Mitch for an alibi.

"That's true. She sent me stares and mouthed things to me to assume me that I'd be safe," he nods.

"What about the forest?" Jason pipes in.

"What about it?" Lola furrows her eyebrows.

"What happened there? Clayton said he brought you guys there," Jason explains.

"Not Lola. Just me," Lili answers this time.

"So you're still evil?" Sophia's and Sarah's eyes fill with concern.

"Uh.. Actually, I'm not quite sure," she admits. I see Lola smirk out of the corner of my eyes.

"True Love's Kiss, remember?" She smirks again.

"Oh.. Yea," Lili looks at Lola and Mitch beside her.

"Didn't Clayton kiss you?" Lola tries to hide her smirk now, but it's Lola we're talking about, she can't hide a smirk.

"I guess. What does that matter?" Lili glares at Lola.

"True Love's Kiss..." Lola hints. No realization from anyone. "What if you're not evil anymore because he kissed you?" Lola questions.

"That's not possible. That would mean-" Lili begins but Mitch cuts her off.

"You're in love with Clayton."

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