Chapter 29 - Pizza

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[A/N the last chapter was a present for Lola aka @l_galaxy's bday! Happy birthday girl! July 2nd! Sorry that it was short also]

Lauren's POV

I scan the filled room. Sophia and Sarah are close together on the couch looking at something on Sophia's phone. Lola is marveling at her necklace while Ty puts an arm around her. Lili and Mitch left a little while ago. Jason wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. It's only the second day of school, and I'm already bored of it - ugh. Jason lies down on his bed which we were was sitting on before. I play with Jason's hair and giggle. He looks up to me and just stares at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sophia peck Sarah's lips and they giggle. I smile down at Jason and he returns it.

"I'm starving!" Ty complains dramatically. Sarah sits up and stares at him for a moment before speaking.

"Me too," she agrees. I stand up, careful not pulls Jason hair as I untangle my hand.

"I'll go get some pizza," I suggest. Everyone agrees with the idea.

"I'm gonna come too," Jason stands up. He grabs my hand and pulls me out the door. We open the door, close it then start down the hallway. Jason starts swinging his arm and soon enough, our intertwined hands are swinging back and forth slowly. A few of the boys give Jason a thumbs up or smirk, he blushes lightly whenever they do. Eventually, we exit the dorm and walk out into the fresh, cool outside air. The pizza place is a few blocks from where we are. We walk and exchange small thoughts about random topics. At one point, the topic of cool ranch Doritos comes up. Classy, huh?

Jason opens the door to the building and let's me step through first. The amazing small of food hits me almost instantly. "What should we get?" I ask. Jason stares up at the menu for a moment or so.

"The guys normally like sausage, what's about you guys?" He asks while digging for his wallet.

"Pepperoni mostly," I shrug and walk up to the counter.

"How may I help you?" A perky woman asks. I give her our order and she smiles the whole time. The amount of perk in her body is, to be honest, terrifying.

Jason gets his wallet out finally and pulls out the correct amount of money, throwing in between his hands. The woman comes back with two boxes full of pizza - I can feel my mouth water just by looking at the box. Jason hands the money to the woman and then we leave. He insists on carrying the box.

"You sure?" I ask as he grabs the one I'm carrying from my hands. The boxes were scorching hot.

"I'm fine," he says. It barely even seems like he registers the heat. I kiss his cheek. I notice a slight blush powdered across his cheeks.

The morning light burns my eyes. I bring my hand up to my eyes to shade them, but soon my arm gets tired and I let it fall. Let it burn.

Finally, the dorm building is in sight. Jason and I jog up a small fight of stairs. Even with the pizzas in his hands, Jason manages to open the door for me and let me through. We head off towards the dorm and Jason takes out his key; unlocking the door. Cheers echo through the room as we walk in. Jason sets the boxes down on the coffee table and opens the lids.


Sophia patted the bed suggestively. She looked her lover in the eye. Her finger curled and un-curled as to motion for her lover to come to bed. The pizza responded by floating out of the pizza box and landing on her hand.

"Thanks Elisa!" She called then giggled.

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