Chapter 18 - Senpai

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Sophia's POV

When Senpai told me she was here, I started freaking out. I haven't seen her since England! Some dude pushed me out of his way while I was running to Senpai. I gave him the death stare and he slowly backed away. Ha, serves him right. "Sophia?" I hear from behind me. I spin around. "Kōhai!" It's Sarah!

"Senpai!" I ran to her. She hugged me tight. "How'd you get here?" She smiles brightly.

"I finally graduated and I decided that enough is enough and that I should come down here," I gape at her.

"You mean..." I trail off and she finishes my thought.

"I'm gonna go to school here!" Before I can even ask the next thing, she answers it for me. "This school isn't just a high school - it's a college."

"This is amazing! I still can't believe you here! What's your room number?" She pulls out a piece of paper from her pocket and scans it quickly.

"Uhh... 659," I grab her arm and jump up and down. She looks confused.

"That's my room!" I exclaim. She smiles widely and I grab her hand then rush off to the dorms. "Let's goooo!"

We finally make it there and Lauren is sitting on her bunk. She instantly sits up and smiles. "Sarah! What's up?" Sarah moves her luggage into the room. Lauren's eyes light up. "You're staying here!?"

"Yep, I'm officially a college student of this school," I grab her suitcase and pull it to the extra bed in the corner. "Thanks!"

"Where's everyone else?" I ask Lauren. She throws her phone onto her bed and jumps down onto the rug.

"Mitch and Lili are still in the infirmary," she pauses before she says what happened to Lola, Jason and Ty. Sarah stops in her tracks.

"What happened to them?" Her eyes are wide.

"Mitch is fine, Lili got stabbed," I explain. Sarah's eyes get wider. Her mouth barely hands open.

"What!?" She exclaims. I put my jacket on a hanger on the wall. Next to it, I put my scarf. Yes, I have a hanger just for my scarves, don't judge me.

"Long story. We'll explain it later. Anyway, Lola and Ty went on a date," Lauren stops to smirk. I can't help but laugh. "Jason went to go pick up some pizza," as she says this, a knock echoes through the room. "And there he is," she opens the door and Jason walks in with two boxes of pizza.

"Hey guys," he eyes Sarah. "Who's this?" Sarah smiles at him.

"I'm Sarah, and you are?" She leans against the frame of Lola and Lili's bunk bed.

"Jason," he flashes her a smile and opens the boxes of pizza. One is cheese and one is pepperoni. We all start eating and talking about...anything really. Jason and Lauren sit on her bed with their legs crossed and talked. I smile at them. They better start dating soon.

My phone rings and I answer it within the first few rings. "Heyy Mitch. You guys alright?"

"Yeah. Lili is gonna be fine but the nurses want her to stay over night."

"Oh, okay. Did you tell them how it happened?" I inquire and take a bite of pizza.

"Yeah. And they did not take it lightly. A murderer on the loose isn't the best thing for the beginning of a school year."

"So true... How do you know that phyco?" Sarah gives me weird look. I guess we forgot to tell her about the murderer. Maybe it wasn't the best for her to come to this school...

"Umm.." He pauses. "I-I'll tell you guys when Lili's out of the infirmary."

"Okay, see you later," I tell him.

"Bye," then he hangs up.

"Phyco?" Sarah looks worried. I lock my phone, set it down and eat more pizza.

"Explanations come later, now eat your pizza!" She laughs and I do too. I missed these times like I'm Europe. Sometimes I wish that I was still there...

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