Chapter 23 - Eliza

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Mitch's POV

Lili looks uneasy to go back to the room. I don't blame her, that experience would be pretty traumatizing. Still though, she doesn't object and goes along with the others. She even leads us to where the medium was.

"Hello," the woman looks at us. She has jet black and curly hair surrounding an abnormally pale face.

"Hi. My friends agreed. We would like to find out more," Lili replies. The woman looks pleased.

"Wonderful! May I warn you, I contact the dead and sometimes they do not wished to be disturbed," she slowly opens the door.

"May I ask your name?" Jason asks kindly. Jason has a way with people that even if she wanted her identity o be a secret, he could persuade her to tell us.

"Madam Trina," she replies as she steps through the door. Madam Trina walks over to one of the couches and takes the sheet from it. She places it over a table in the corner of the room. Then she lights of a few candles and places them around the table and room. The medium gestures for us to sit around the table. We obey and sit down.

"Connect hands," she directs us. I glance around the table. Madam Trina sits, next to her is Lola then Ty, Sophia, Sarah, Lili, me, Lauren and Jason. Jason and Madam Trina complete the circle. "Do not unlock hands at any time during this procedure. It ruins it all and the spirit will not be able to rest," We all nod and she begins. Madam Trina closes her eyes. "Reveal yourself," she says loudly. I look around the room. It most certainly didn't reveal itself. "If you are here with us, reveal youself."

All the candles flicker at the same time. Lola and Lauren gasp. The medium continues. "Connect with us. Tell us what happened."

Her head falls, but her grip never loosens. Every single candle goes out for a few moments then flash back on. Madam Trina looks straight, not at anybody, just straight.

"Why've you awaken me from my eternal rest?" She demands in a high-pitched voice. Lili's grip on my hand tightens. I look over to her and I smirk.

"Ms. Wilder, what happened to you that night?" Ty asks. He knows the most about the legend of Eliza Wilder.

"The night is my death?" She asks through Madam Trina's body. Ty nods. "Why would you like to know?" She inquired.

"We're interested in your life. Maybe we could help you," I reply. Her head snaps to face me.

"Then I shall enlighten you. My lover, Thomas Dean, wasn't choice. One day, he was set off by something, I never figured out what. All I know is that I caused it. He then took it out on me; murdering me and leaving my body. He still hasn't been caught."

Ty once told me that this happened ten years prior and that the man is still said to hang around.

"Do you have any inside on where he is?" Sarah asks. Eliza ponders this for a show while.

"He still lives in this city and he's changed his name to James Sweeney," she turns to me. I seem to be the thing she looks at the most.

"We'll help avenge you Ms. Wilder. You deserve better," Sophia declares.

"Thank you dear. By the way, call me Eliza," she smiles sweetly. "Good luck on this newfound journey of yours. I must go now. You know where to find me."

Madam Trina's head falls. The candles go out once more and light right back up a few seconds later. Madam Trina is back to normal.

"You may unlock your hands from the others," as she says this, she lets go of Jason and Lola's hands. We all let go of each other's hands and say goodbye to Madam Trina. She wishes us luck on our quest for James Sweeney. It's still only 2 pm. We all just go and walk around campus.

Lili walks over to me as we leave the dorm. "Thanks for assuring everything will be alright," she looks up at me. I smile.

"Anything for you," I reply. She smiles back and takes my hand. "You know, someone like you shouldn't be single," my smile transforms into a smirk.

"You think so," she meets my eyes as we walk.

"Yep. So this encourages my next question. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I'm preparing for rejection just incase; you never know.

"Oui," she giggles. I lean down and kiss her.

[A/N for those who don't know, oui is yes in French]

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