Chapter 25 - Simba

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Lola's POV

After Math with Ms. Rochester, I have Language Arts with Mr. Greyson. I groan when I look at he map of campus and see that LA is on the other side of campus. There's not much time left to get to class, better hurry. I dash past the fountain at the main entrance and slow down as I pass Lauren. I wave to her and she does the same back. Deciding that I have enough time left, I keep the slow pace. I feel something slip into my hand, and I look down to see what caused it. A single rose. An arm falls onto my shoulders. That's when I realize it's Ty.

"Hey Lola," he says and I turn to him. "Would you be my girlfriend?" My heart feels like it stops with these five simple words.

"Of course I will!" I say a little too enthusiastically. He chuckles and we keep walking towards the LA building. "What's you next class?"

"I've got Mr. Greyson, don't know what he teaches though. What's your class?" I mentally freak out.

"Language Arts. By the way, Mr. Greyson teaches that," the arm that isn't slung over my shoulder gets thrown into the air.

"Ay!" He exclaims. I giggle at his silliness. The building is in view so we pick up our pace a bit and Ty's arm is lifted off of my shoulders. We're not running, but we are actually walking now. Before we were as slow as a snail. I twirl the rose between my thumb and index finger. Ty opens the door for me and I walk in. He follows me inside and the blast of chilled air is a refreshing change from the 90º+ weather outside.

Multiple doors line the crowded hallway. A teacher in her mid 30s stands in front of the first door we see. Definitely not Mr. Greyson. The next door we see has a male teacher in front. He is probably in his early 20s. When he realizes that we are his students, he waves to us. I offer a smile and wave back. The room isn't even a fourth full of students when we walk in. This makes it easy to choose seats near one another. We choose seats near the right of the room in the second row out of five. It's almost the farthest seats away from the teacher's desk.

"What'd you have first?" I ask him as I set my backpack down. He thinks for a moment.

"Challenge History. What'd you have?" He slides his backpack under his desk and turns to me.

"Math," I say gloomily. "If only I had Challenge History."

"At least we have second period together," I nod in agreement. I hear the sound of chalk on a board and look to see that the teacher is writing his name on the board.

"Hey guys! My name is Mr. Greyson or Mr. G. Whichever you prefer," he gives a genuine smile. He already seems like an awesome teacher. I think that I'm going to like this class. "Most teachers make you read and write essays, right?" He asks.

Nods and a few "Rights," are returned.

"Would you all agree that it's boring?" Most students nod except for a small group that looks hurt by those words. "So, I won't be doing that," confused murmurs echo through the room. "I think that young minds learn better through visual presentation. Throughout the year, we will watch movies and give presentations."

Cheers engulf the room. Mr. G is definitely better than Ms. Rochester. She used to be the PE teacher. Whenever you get a problem wrong, she makes you do some random exercise like jumping jacks or push ups.

"To break the ice, let's watch a movie just for fun. These are the choices," he writes a handful of movie titles on the board. "Look them over, then we'll vote."

Holes. The Lion King. Lemonade Mouth. Frozen. Pitch Perfect.

The class of 35 votes. Holes - 5. The Lion King - 10. Lemonade Mouth - 2. Frozen - 9. Pitch Perfect - 9. I voted for The Lion King, as did Ty. I'm glad that won, it seems that Frozen and Pitch Perfect are watched to much. Some of the class cheers, the others look sad but don't object. Mr. G slides the disc into the DVD player and starts the movie.

Time Skip

Simba and Nala are caught by Zazu on the way to the elephant graveyard. Zazu warns then of the dangers. "I laugh in the face of danger!" Simba laughs. As Simba does this, Ty whispers it in my ear. I giggle quietly.

Time Skip

Mufasa is hanging on for dear life. "Long live the king," Scar scoffs as he lets his brother fall to his death in a stampede of buffalo. That's not the part that gets me, it's when Simba the cub finds his dad lying lifeless on the ground. Simba pleads for his father to wake up. I scan the room and see multiple people crying. One girl is completely sobbing. I look over to Ty and notice that he's on the verge of tears. I lean over to him.

"That's it, your new nickname is Simba," he turns to me, confused at first. He then realizes what I mean and quickly makes it so his face shows no evidence of the sadness once taking it over.

"Then I need a nickname for you," he laughs quietly.

"Eh, you might come up with something later... Simba," I giggle.

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