Killua the unknown

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It’s finally time, after a few years in the academy we finally get to become ninjas. Right now Iruka sensei is getting the sheets that have our future teams on. The reason he’s taking so long is because there’s one odd student on his list so there needs to be one team with four people in instead of three, and just try to guess who that odd person is... yep, it’s me. The loner girl who people never see. Naturally people would think the odd one is Naruto because he’s always alone and bullied with no friends. Sadly no, Naruto may be at the bottom of the popularity chart but I’m not even on it. When the teacher says my name no one knows who he’s on about, when I walk down the hall people don’t avoid me or see me and when it comes to my turn in something I always disappear like I was never there.

Anyway back to Iruka sensei, he comes back in with his sheets and everyone in the room becomes tense. I can tell that all, ha-ha no, most of the girls want to be with the one and only Sasuke Uchiha, he may be the most popular guy in school with a tone of fan girls but I really don’t see what’s so special. His clan was murdered by his older brother, he hates everyone he sees and his hair looks like a ducks behind... nope I just don’t get it. When Iruka sensei starts to talk everyone is basically hanging off their seats, not me though, no matter who I’m put with they won’t know me at all and I won’t care in the slightest.

“I’ll start with team 10- Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru and Akimichi Chouji.” When I look Ino is upset, maybe because she wasn’t put with Sasuke. Shikamaru looks troubled and Chouji doesn’t look like he minds. When Iruka sensei says team 9 I’m too busy shooing a fly away to care who he said but I know my name wasn’t called.

“Team 8- Aburame Shino, Hyuuga Hinata and Inuzuka Kiba.” At least Hinata isn’t a fan girl, I would’ve hoped to be teamed up with her and since Kiba is in that team then his dog Akamaru will be there too, man I love dogs… damn you sensei.

“Team 7

Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura.” I can see the blond headed Naruto stand up cheering about being with Sakura, while the pink haired Sakura has put her head on the desk moaning. Oh yeah, Naruto has a crush on Sakura doesn’t he? Forgot about that. “Uchiha Sasuke.” Now it was fan girl Sakura’s time to cheer and Sasuke’s enemy Naruto’s time to be depressed. “And Zoldyck Killua.” That is when I died inside; as everyone wondered who I was I just sat in my seat at the back thinking and soon enough Iruka sensei was saying the other teams but I was too caught up in thought to listen. So let me get this straight... out of everybody in the world I’m put with a hyped Naruto that always gets in trouble and never thinks, a isolated Sasuke who hates all but is still classed as the most popular guy in the school and the annoying Sakura who is tied with Ino as Sasukes’ number one fan girl and is pretty much useless with everything about being a ninja. Well just great, I hate my life.

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