Chapter 1

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Clementine POV

I close my locker only to be greeted by none other than Nash Grier and his friends. "Fuck off" I whispered trying to walk away but I was trapped, "no can do" he said and I felt a hand slap me across the face. I held my cheek in my hand and saw Cameron smirking, "what a slut" I heard Maddison say. By now everyone was looking at me, some whispering, some laughing, some concerned.

I looked into Nash's eyes and he snickered before punching me, "ugly" he spat, "Whore" Cameron called. "Slut" Maddison said and I just felt like balling my eyes out, why does this always happen to me. What did I do wrong, soon after they left and I made my way to my first class. And sadly Nash was in that class, walking into the classroom I felt like everyone was staring at me. "Look the sluts here" I heard Nash call and everyone started laughing. Looking around feeling insecure I walked to my seat and slid down my chair a little, I hated this. I hated my life, I would search for reasons to live and not find any. Not like anyone cared for me or loved me, besides my cousin Shawn but he was friends with my bullies so I would never tell him anything.

Was it that I didn't trust Shawn at all, no way I did trust him just not with the part of his friends bullying me. Class was soon over and I had five more periods until end of the day, this was going to be a long one. After school I ran out of the gates crying like I did everyday day since 8th grade. This was all screwed up and I hated it, being bullied for anything like what did I ever do to them. Now for the worst part was that Nash lived a few blocks down from my house and I hated it. As I walked down the foot path and back home I saw a car drive past and it was Cameron and all them. "See ya loser!" They called out and I broke down crying before running home.

When I got home I walked up the steps to my front door when a familiar voice caught my eye. "Hey Clem" they said and I turned to look over and I saw Hayes, "hey" I said forcing a smile. "Hey you okay?" He asked and I nodded, "yea I'm fine" I said and he sighed. "Stop lying and tell me what going on" he said and I shook my head, "nothing is happening" I lied. "Well call me if something's up" he said and I nodded before waving goodbye and walking into my house. I made my way up to my room and from my window I could Nash's car pull into his driveway. I hated this so much, why can't it be so easy and carefree. It wasn't fair, I walked over to my bed and threw my bag onto the floor before falling onto my bed.

This pain and suffering I want to end it.

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