Chapter 13

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2 weeks later

Clementine POV

I arrived at school and Nash should be here because he was released from hospital last week and I was sort of nervous about this week. I went to my locker and opened it up to see a not wedged inside, I took it out and opened it up to see a message.

Hey Clementine

If you have this note follow these directions to a surprise.

1. follow the roses

Looking at my locker door I saw one rose and I took it before closing the door and looking around to see another rose by the fire extinguisher. I grabbed the second rose and looked in it's direction seeing another rose around the corner than I just kept following the roses. A minute later I found myself at the end of the corridor. At the end I saw Shawn and I looked at him confused, he smiled at me and handed me a rose.

"Keep going" he said and I kept walking forward until I saw Cameron and he handed me another rose. I walked past Jack Gilinsky and Taylor who handed me more roses until at the end of it I saw Nash standing there with a sign saying 'Will you go out with me?'. I just smiled down at my bouquet of roses and ran up to him hugging him. "Oh yes!" I said and hugged him tightly and he did the same. "I love you Clementine" he said smiling and I stood on my toes and kissed him. His hands wrapped around my waist and mine wrapped around his neck. I could hear some people awing and some being grossed out which made me self conscious. When we pulled away I looked into Nash's eyes and held my hand gently in his.

"I'll walk you to class" he said and together off we went to class, now I was dating Nash and that was just the start.

---6 weeks later---

Nash POV

I was Clementine was over at my house and we were just cuddling on the couch, she sat in front of my and her back against my chest while my arms wrapped around her. I kissed her cheek and she smiled brightly, "I love you" I said and she turned to look at me. She giggled and smiled before shuffling around and getting reaching up to kiss me. "You're perfect" I said and she turned her body around fully and hid her face in my chest.

"Nope, nope quit talking lies" she said gently hitting my chest, "I'm not lying" I said in a laugh and she looked up at me as if she was admiring something. "What?" I asked her and she just smiled, "Nothing just you" she said. "What about me?" I asked and she giggled placing her hand on my cheek, "Your amazing" she said throwing his head back slowly then looking back at me. "Am I?, Am I really?" I asked and she swiped her finger down the bridge of my nose, "Yes you are" she said and then she kissed me.

Sometime later I woke up with Clementine sleeping on my chest, at some point we must've fallen asleep. I looked down seeing Clementine with her arms wrapped around me and she was fast asleep, then i heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I said and Hayes ducked his head in the door. "Oh did I disturb you" he said and I shook my head, "No i just woke up" I said shuffling to lay Clementine gently on the couch and so I could get up. I walked over to Hayes and we went into the kitchen to talk, "what's up?" I asked and Hayes looked down at the floor then back at me. "I just wanted to talk to you about Clementine" he said and I leaned up against the kitchen counter and folded my arms. "What about Clementine?" I asked.

Hayes looked slightly nervous but it was very unlike him to be like this, what could he have to say about Clementine. "Clementine she's seeing someone else" Hayes sad and my eyes widened at his words. "No she isn't" I said and Hayes shook his head. "Sorry bro" Hayes said walking away and I stood there confused, no that's not right she can't be seeing someone else.

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