Chapter 20

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Nash POV

Hayes has been in hospital for a week now and he's in a coma. The doctors don't know when he'll wake up, they said he lost a lot of blood. Right now I'm sitting in his hospital watching the heart monitor and hoping that he wakes up. I still ask myself the same question why would Hayes do this I just don't understand. I was busy burying myself in my thoughts when my phone rang and I looked to see that it was Clementine calling me.

N- Hello

C- Nash i have something to show you it's about Hayes

N- Clementine I don't have time for this

C- But Nash he was being bullied at school


C- there's conversations between him and Jenna, it all talks about him doing this so she'd stop the bullying

N- Come and meet me at the hospital I'm in Hayes's room I'll buzz you up

C- okay

A few minutes later Clementine showed up and she ran into the room holding Hayes phone out to me. "See for yourself" she said almost out of breath, I took the phone from her and unlocked it see his Facebook wall. All these messages saying for him to kill himself and how bad he is, then I saw his messages and I saw Jenna's name. All these messages that she'd stop the bullying if he uploaded the video and made us break up.

So he was desperate for the bullying to stop, why didn't he tell me about the bullying. He seemed so tough at school but I guess I wasn't really paying attention past that. "Clementine why did I ever not notice" I said in shock and she sat down next to me on the couch. "Nash I don't think anyone knew" she said resting her head on my shoulder.

"Clementine what if he doesn't make it, then what am I going to do" I said and she looked up at me. "Don't say that have faith in him that he'll pull through" Clementine said as she held my hands and rubbed her thumb pads over my knuckles. "Okay" I said and I closed my eyes and gently leaned my head against her's falling asleep.

The next morning I woke up to Clementine not being in the room, I looked over seeing Hayes still not awake and sighed. "I'm so sorry Hayes" I said trying not to cry again, "Hey your awake" I looked over seeing Clementine come in with a bag of food. She placed the food on the tray table and sat on the couch next to me. "It's gonna be okay Nash" she said kissing my cheek and a tear fell. "He never told me what was happening at school and when he wanted to talk I'd yell at him saying I was busy" I choked trying to keep composed.

"Nash" Clementine said and I shook my head, "no this is all I do to people I hurt them" I sobbed and Clementine looked at me sympathetically. "Nash that's- " she started and I cut her off, "don't say it's not true because I even hurt you and you didn't deserve it!" I cried and Clementine held my hands in hers and wiped my tears.

Clementine POV

"Nash please listen to me, you don't just hurt people I can see you've changed and I love the person you are now. Hayes wouldn't want you to hurt yourself or blame yourself for this he loves you and I love you, Nash please your the best thing that's ever happened to me." I said placing my hands on the sides of his face. "Clementine how can you believe that?" Nash asked me and I leaned in and gently kissed him, "I can believe that because I love you and if I didn't believe that then I don't know what would happen but I don't want to see you hurt forever" I said and Nash nuzzled his face into my neck and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you" he said in a whisper and I showed him and small smile, "no problem" I said and he eventually fell back asleep.

Nash POV

The next time I woke it was the afternoon and I looked up to see Hayes still in his coma. Looking over I saw a napkin and on it was Clementine's handwriting, 'had to head home because of formal dress shopping, love you Clementine'. I moved my eyes away from the napkin and over to Hayes seeing his chest raising and falling. "Come on Hayes please wake up" I whispered. Prom was next week and I wanted Hayes to come but I knew he couldn't, it would be so different him not being there.

Clementine POV

I was sitting on my bed just doing my homework when I got a text from Nash,

Nash- Would you go to prom with me?❤️

Clementine- yes😁

He asked me to prom I couldn't believe it, now I definitely needed to go dress shopping today.

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