Chapter 14

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Clementine POV

The next morning I woke up still on the couch but Nash wasn't with me, I looked around as I sat up and the sun was coming in through the curtains. I got up and walked to the kitchen to get my phone that was on charge and I decided to watch YouTube. I sat back on the couch and cuddled into the blanket as I looked through YouTube. When I saw a video suggested named 'what guys look for in girls'. I clicked on the video and I saw Nash, Cameron and CJ.

10 minutes later I finished watching the video and I started to feel self conscious about myself. I was definitely not what Nash considered girlfriend material, I got my stuff together and left his house and headed home. It was currently 8:30am so Shawn would be home because he wasn't going to school. I got home and let myself in to see Shawn drinking coffee in the kitchen. Shawn soon noticed me and his smile washed away, "Clementine what's wrong?" He asked putting his mug down and walking over to me. "Nothing" I said and Shawn didn't believe me, "Clementine I know something's wrong so tell me" he said and I eventually did.

Hayes POV

I can't believe I did that, but if I hadn't then they'd be one to me. Wait why do I suddenly care about popularity. My phone soon went off and I got a message from Jenna.

J- nice work Hayes your doing well

I sighed and unlocked my phone to reply. I felt guilty but at the same time a part of me wasn't. Jenna had told me something about Clem dating some other guy in the past and their history. But I don't know why I was encouraging her to revisit it again.

H- what am I getting out of this besides hurting someone?

J- revenge

I read the response and turned off my phone before getting changed and going to the kitchen for breakfast.

Nash POV

I sat on the couch just thinking, her scent still stained the blanket and I held it up to my nose. She left early, she's not answering my calls or texts. I just wanna know about her and this other guy. Who was he to her and why would she cheat on me, we've only dated for 6 weeks and already I'm having trust issues.

There was no school today so I decided to just be lazy. I stayed in my room most of the day, I ate breakfast then went to my room and tried calling Clementine again. And she answered after the second ring.

C- Hello

N- um hi

C- Nash I don't want to talk to you anymore or see you, it's for the best

N- what did I do wrong?

C- ask a video from 3 weeks ago

N- clementine...

Then that was it she hung up and broke up with me. I was so made with myself but also what video could she be talking about, I got my laptop and checked my account seeing a Video I filmed with Cameron and CJ. Oh shit it's uploaded, I saw the comments and they were bad too.

I took the video down and apologised on my twitter. Then I looked at my phone seeing a message from Clementine.

C- that's just the way it is

No that's not how this was meant to be, I didn't want to lose her in the first place and I did. How could I be so stupid or who could've uploaded that video. That day I ended up crying twice in the day, I would just sit on my bed and cry that I lost her, cry that I wasn't good enough.

My phone soon went off and I saw Shawn's name so I answered it.

S- what the hell Nash!

N- Shawn I can explain

S- explain what dude that you posted a video about what you like in girls and it just so happened to be you picked out everything that was wrong with Clementine. Dude what the hell!


S- dude what you said was a load of BS and you know what she's in tears now because of you

N- I'm sorry

S- stop saying your sorry because you screwed up big time this time

N- But I-

S- Nash forget it

Then the call ended and I ended up throwing my phone at the wall and screaming. This isn't fair, I didn't mean anything I said and I was stupid to say that. Why is this happening to me, first Clementine hates me and now Shawn what's next Cameron mum coming in to scream at me. I just cried until I had a headache then I eventually fell asleep.

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