Chapter 19

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Nash POV

What the hell why was Jenna here and Hayes was right behind her. I get that Jenna and I used to date but then things didn't work out and she cheated on me. She was the one that said every nasty rumour about Clementine.

I looked at Clementine and she looked scared like she could run at any second to escape. I reached for her hand and squeezed it reassuringly then I looked over at Hayes. "Hey Nash" Jenna said as she walked up to me and began acting flirty which made me really uncomfortable. "Huh hi Jenna" I said and she began putting her arms around me and her face moving closer to mine. I moved my hands to her arms wanting to move them away and she smirked. "Jenna what do you want?" I asked and she looked over Clementine and then smiled back at me.

"On come on Nash" she said trying to sound seductive, "get off" I said sternly. And she didn't listen, "I said get off" I said and I pushed her making her land on the floor. She looked at me and giggled and I held Clementine close to me. "Give up already I love Clementine!" I yelled and she soon looked angry. "Argh! Hayes I told you to break them up!" Jenna yelled. "I tried" Hayes whispered and I just glared at Hayes, "wait that was you who posted the video!" I yelled and Hayes jumped at my tone of voice.

"Nash I'm sorry" he whispered and I groaned, "unbelievable Hayes" I said in frustration. "Why'd you do it?" Clementine asked and Hayes looked at her nervously, "I'm sorry I just-" he started and I glared at him, "just what Hayes!" I growled. "I just thought that if Clementine saw that video she wouldn't want to be with you and that you wouldn't care but when I saw you acting angry then I sorta knew I screwed up but I kept up the act" Hayes explained.

Clementine POV

I could see Nash was pissed off at Hayes and I could see why but at the same time did Hayes know what he was doing. "YOU THOUGHT I WOULDN't CARE SERIOUSLY HAYES THAT'S PATHETIC!" Nash shouted, "Nash calm down" I said and he shook me off. "No I'm not letting this go!" Nash yelled, "Nash I'm sorry" Hayes said trying to apologise. "I can't believe you bro" Nash said looking away from Hayes, "I'm going home" Nash said walking away and I ran after him.

---skip ride home---

Hayes POV

Back home and Nash wasn't talking to me, lay on my bed on my phone and I saw messages on my Facebook wall.

Ben Roger- seriously kill yourself

Benji Wright- loser seriously go slit your wrists or something

Ella Bailey- no ones ever gonna date you wiredo

Jane Lee- no wonder you get bullied you such an awkward person whose so weak

I closed my face book and just silently cried as I threw my phone across the room, I looked around seeing my side table draw and I opened it up to find my blade. Then another text came through.

Jenna- well deals off you're on your own

Hayes- what but you said you'd help me

Jenna- but you failed and I guess your good at that loser

Hayes- Jenna please

Jenna- sorry Hayes

After reading all that I broke down and cried feeling somewhat hopeless once more, I got my blade and stared at it then closed my eyes.

Trigger warning

One cut for being a loser, another cut for being awkward and stupid, another for being useless and pathetic. Another cut for being a mistake, and a last one for being so ugly. I kept the blade against my wrist and did the same thing to my other wrist. Another cut for being a failure, I sniffles and watched the blood wanting to make more cuts. When the door opened and I heard someone yell at me, "HAYES!" They yelled and my eyes slowly closed and I felt my whole body fall off the bed and hit the floor. That's the last thing I felt and remembered.

End of trigger warning

Nash POV

I was in my room just lying on my bed while cuddling Clementine and we were just talking when Hayes came up as a topic. "Nash maybe Hayes had a reason to what he did" Clementine said and i sighed. "Like what reason would that be?" I asked and she frowned at me. "You never know what someone could be going through" she said and I looked at her confused and angry. "Going through that boy has nothing but trouble" I rioted and she shook her head, "But maybe Hayes had a reason behind his reckless actions" she said.

"Nash I know you don't want to believe me but go talk to Hayes and find out" Clementine said as she played with my hair. "Come on Nash just go talk to him" she urged and I groaned, "fine" I said and I got up from the bed and left her arms. I looked back at Clementine and she waved her hand at me telling me to go on and I opened the door and left my room.

I walked over to Hayes room and from the other side I could hear crying, 'why would he be crying?' I thought to myself. I knocked on the door and waited but he didn't answer, I knocked again but still no answer. Something wasn't right, i opened the door slowly and peeked through the gap to see Hayes with his back to the door. What is he doing just sitting on the edge of his bed, I kept watching then I saw what he had in his hand and I yelled out. "HAYES!" I yelled and we wobbled before falling to the ground and hitting the floor.

"NO!" I yelled running over to him and I heard more footsteps running over to the room, "Oh my god, HAYES!" i heard Clementine scream then I heard Skylynn crying. "Oh my god" Mum said as she ran towards me and Hayes. I just cried knowing on how I yelled at him. But that doesn't solve why he did what he did with Jenna, Mum was on the phone with the ambulance and I had Dad looking after Hayes. I backed away slowly and I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, then I just broke down crying. "Shh Nash" Clementine soothed as she held me, "this is all my fault" I cried and tightened her grip.

"Move out of the way!" someone yelled and I looked behind me seeing paramedics coming in and taking Hayes. Once the paramedics took Hayes out and to the hospital I stayed in Clementine's arms and she tried to help me out. "This is all my fault" I sobbed and she rubbed my back, "Nash we didn't even know he would do that to himself" Clementine said. "But me being his older brother I want to know why because there has to be more" I said now desperate. "It's gonna be okay Nash" Clementine said as she let me go and helped me stand up, "come on" Clementine said leading me out of the bathroom and into my room. I laid down on my bed and Clementine lay next to me, "I just want him to be okay" I sobbed. "Nash we just have to pray" Clementine said and we just lay there with each others company.

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