Chapter 23

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2 weeks later

Nash POV

It was the last day of school and that meant once this year was gone no more school, goodbye classes and hello sleep everyday. Hayes seemed okay but I still looked out for him and he had approached me a few times. I still hadn't told Clementine about Magcon yet which I had to sometime, what would she say because I know she loves Christmas. I got my books for next class and made my way to film and Tv, Clementine wasn't in that class she had Biology instead but Jenna was. Someone send me an angel or I'll be dancing with the devil, I walked into class and took my seat, and the. Other students came in and to my bad luck Jenna thought she could sit next to me.

"Hey Nash" she said sitting down and I didn't bother to answer her, then class began and sir just said we could have free time so I just went out side and filmed some vines. That kept me entertained up until Jenna came outside, "Nash" she called and I rolled my eyes at her and walked away. "Nash's come on why are you ignoring me" she begged like she didn't know what was up. "Nash tell me" she begged and I looked at her a little pissed. "You put my brother in hospital why would I want to talk to you Jenna" I said coldly and she gasped. "Hayes was in hospital" she said placing her hand over her heart, " yea all because of texts you sent him and the bullying" I said trying not to yell. "But I was trying to help him Nash" she pleaded and I shook my head. "Yea is giving up on him helping him, I don't think so" I said raising my voice.

"Nash I didn't mean it" she said and I pushed her away, "look Jenna your a slut and all you do is crave attention" I said. I looked at Jenna and she wasn't paying attention to me so I looked behind me to see Clementine and I waved for her to come over and she did. "I see you were looking at my beautiful girlfriend Clementine" I said placing my hand around Clementine's waist. "Her seriously?" Jenna asked clearly not impressed the slut. "Something the matter?" I asked and she rolled her eyes, "yea your supposed to be with me Nash" Jenna said raising her voice.

"No way" I said and I looked over at Clementine and kissed her, when we parted I looked over at Jenna who looked disgusted. "Eww you kissed her" she whined and I smirked, "eww you've had sex with almost every guy in our grade" I said and she gasped again frowning her brows. "Seriously Jenna go find another guy to fool around with" I said and she became angry, can she not accept the truth.

Jenna POV

Whatever that's Nash's loss he can have fun with that loser, no one means anything to me anyways. I've slept with both girls and boys, unexpected and odd I know but get over it. I glared at Clementine and I saw Nash looking at her affectionately, that bitch she better be lucky she has him even though she doesn't deserve him. "Get lost Jenna" Nash said and I stormed off back into class looking behind me to see those two making out. Whatever it's his loss.

Clementine POV

Nash kissed me as Jenna walked away, when we pulled away we saw she was gone. "I love you" Nash said flashing a smile, "I love you too" I said pecking his lips. The bell soon went and we made our way to our next class which was history. Teacher was probably gonna make us watch some movie, I was sitting next to Nash and the teacher put the movie on then went to sit at her desk.

Half way through the movie I got bored and just talked to Nash, "um clementine I'm not gonna be at home for Christmas" he said and I looked at him confused. "What why?" I asked and he scratched the back of his head nervously, "Magcon is on" he said and I just looked at him not knowing what to say. "Nash I'm happy for you but I really was looking forward to having you over for Christmas" I said and he hugged me. "I know, I know" he said kissing the top of my forehead.

---end of day---

So Nash drove me home and we just chilled out at my house, Nash was telling me about what Magcon was like and all that stuff. I was kinda sad that he wasn't gonna be here for Christmas though, "sorry babe I gotta go" Nash said getting up from the couch, he gave me a quick kiss then left. Now I had to start my chores before mum and dad got home that was gonna be so much fun. But the quicker I got it done the quicker I had more time to myself so I go started straight away.

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