Chapter 10

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Nash POV

Driving Clementine home I kept looking at her through the review mirror while she looked out the window. The radio was on and music was playing while I drove her back home. She looked so cute, her hair curled and flowing off her shoulders. She looked so relaxed and calm, "Clementine" I said and she looked over at me. "I know I've said this before but I'm sorry" I said and she smiled lightly. "I love you" I whispered and she looked at me like I was crazy which maybe I was.

"What?" she said and I kept my eyes on the road, "I-" I began and then she cut me off. "I know what you said but I just don't believe you" she said. When we arrived at her house I looked over at her and she just stared. Her eyes were so beautiful, the way the brown would shine and I could see myself in her eyes. "Why wouldn't you?" I asked and she let out a sigh, "Nash your known as my bully and I don't know if it would be wise to want to date me" she said and that kinda hurt.

"Why not" I said looking at her with a sad expression, "because I don't trust that you'll keep your promises" she said. "What makes you think I won't?" I asked and now I was a little pissed, "Nash seriously your my bully" she said and got out of the car walking off into her house and I then broke down in tears.

Clementine POV

Running into the house and leaving Nash I ran straight to my bedroom and slammed the door. He can't love me to me he's just my bully and I don't see how he could ever be something more, I know I'm not giving him a chance but at the same time I'm looking out for myself. I just don't know what to think now about Nash. Like wise yes I have a crush on him but at the same time it feels wrong.

'But now what if he blames himself' I thought to myself as I remembered his arms and the red lines that I saw. I got out some fresh clothes and went to take a shower to wash out the smell from the night before. After my shower I got changed and put my clothes in the wash before hearing a knock at the door. "Coming" I called and I ran to the door to answer it only to see Will, Nash's older brother.

Nash POV

I sit on the end of my bed staring at the razor as I bring it to my wrist, Will's gone out somewhere and Hayes is at a friends house.

***Trigger Warning***

Feeling the sting on my wrists as the cold blades sliced my skin, I let out a gasp before making a few more lines. The blood running off my arm and out of my fresh cuts, she'll never forgive me and I don't know how she will. A few more cuts and now my arms are almost littered in cuts, then a sense of dizziness hits me and I reach out to steady myself by instead I fall straight to the floor seeing everything fade into black.

Peaceful and calming the sensation is but scary, now I was just slipping away.

***End of trigger warning***

Will POV

I was talking to Clementine for a while when I felt like it was time for me to head back. "Nice seeing you" I said and she smiled, "you too Will um good luck with your game on Saturday" she called and then I left. Walking back home and entering the house something didn't feel right, "Nash!" I called out but there was no answer. "Nash!" I called out again as I walked towards the corridoor.

Walking closer I saw his bedroom door closed and the light was on, 'what could be going on' I thought to myself. I knocked on the door and there was no answer, "Nash!" I called out but he didn't answer so I let myself in. Opening the door I looked into the room and there he was spiraled out and collapsed on the floor. I ran to his side and checked him over seeing his wrists cut. I grabbed my mobile and called 911 requesting a ambulance and they asked for the situation and I told them what had happen and they said that an ambulance was on it's way.

---At the hospital---

I was waiting outside the room where Nash was being kept, under observation and currently in a coma. The nurse had already came out saying he's chances of survival were slim because he lost a lot of blood so I said I'd donate and I did. Now all there was to do was wait for any change, seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. Come on Nash pull through.

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